Apex Solutions, Llc Las Vegas Nv
The company has send me a collection notice for signing Home Business secrets for 139.87, which I did not sign for it. Might be I have clicked some fo the links while surfing the internet

Internet & Web

While surfing the internet, I got a web page saying Home Business Secrets or find grants for home business etc., I started clicking on the page and it lead me to so many different web pages and made a 14 day free Trail sign up for home based Business secrets, which I did and called them and cancelled the service as they have charged some $29.99 on my debit card (Provident NJ). I realized that it is a internet fraud and called the bank, asked them to put a stop payment for this merchant.

All this happened in the month of Dec' 09 and I got the cancellation confirmation, which is not handy with me.

Now after 4 months, April 29th I got a Collection notice mentioning that I need to pay $139.87 to Apex Solutions Inc, as I am due that amount.

When I browsed the internet Google, consumer complaints there are many such stories which
I have read, the internet fraud, Home based Business, Work from Home kind of Issues.

I really want the company to pay for my valuable time and appeal usacomplaints.com to assign a Attorney to file a Case and Law Suite the company for all my Valuable time and mental embarrassment caused.

Company: Apex Solutions, Llc Las Vegas Nv
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 7251 W. Lake Mean Blvd Suite 300
Phone: 8667281467
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Apex Solutions, LLC
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