Yodle, Inc
Yodle This company does the opposite of what they tell you they will do

Internet & Web

I called Yodle Tuesday night and got a return call on WED around 9AM. I was working with a Shane Johnson but I got a call from another rep. His name was also Johnson I believe. He informed me that he knew who Shane Johnson was and that he would let him know. The rep then said not to worry that everything would be OK and their would be no money taken out on Friday. I informed him that I was having a problem and would not be able to make a payment this Friday. He informed me that he understood and that their would be no payment made. This was for a service that I never started. However after finding out Saturday morning that they tried to make a payment when I called in and informed them not to. They confirmed to me that their would be NO money taken out and not to worry about anything. That they would handle everything. Just to relax and they would notify my rep. Their would be no money taken out of my account and then to find the opposite happen.

Company: Yodle, Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 50 West 23rd Street 4th Floor
Phone: 8772765104
Site: yodle.com
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Yodle is over priced for the services they offe

Yodle is a ripoff scam

Yodle fraud, Yodle scam, yodle rip-off New York

Yodle stole $7500 from me

When you want to cancel, they will not refund your money

Stay away from this one

Clarke Young Law Office
Yodle, inc

Was a huge waste of money

Costliest advertising program I have ever encountered

D*she bags, how I wish they had never darkened my doorstep