Global Cash Formula
Kim Neal Apparent MLM Scam! Joining fee $269 - All lost@!

Internet & Web

I joined GLOBAL CASH FORMULA as a free member initially at the end of 2009. They launched (apparently) in December. After several e-mails telling me that I am missing out on "spillover commissions" I joined and paid $269. The commissions were meant to immediately appear in my "Back office" on My web page - there was nothing! I have tried to contact them by e-mail several times - no response at all!!! I wrote to their "support office" gcfglobalorders, to personal people who are on the internet promoting this concept - NOTHING!!! No response! There are no telephone numbers to call either.

They have appeared on a "funny" web page as a scam. I have reported this incident to the FBI (IC3) and will continue to write about them until something is done about this.

The "refund request" page on their site - which I filled in - also provided no assistance/response!

I can only assume that this is a scam!!!

Company: Global Cash Formula
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: The Americas, New York
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