Sassie-Shop, Intelli-Shop, Intellishop, mysteryshoponline Unsolicited Spam E-mail, Hidden header information, violation of Can-Spam Act

Internet & Web

I see some of you have recieved unsolicited spam e-mails from Intelli-Shop, SassieShop, and other online spam marketing members. I found a way to let them know they are violating the Can-Spam Act. First of all do not reply to their e-mails. All of these types of companies buy e-mail lists from each other and share your e-mail address even though you did not sign up to receive e-mail solicitation from them.

Here is what I did. My e-mail account allows me to see the full header information including the IP address, real sender e-mail address, and other information you can forward to the Federal Trade Commisiion at spam@uce. Gov The header information from the sender needs to be typed in the message area as follows:

This is only a sample none of the information is real just an example.

From: person.

E-mail origination:

IP Address: 12.345.678.913

Message ID: 123456789.123456.

You'll notice that there are actually 3 different e-mail addresses. The first is the one that appears in the From: box. The second is in the complete header information area. Note even though it appeared to come from Intelli-Shop but shows it actually originated from sassieshop. Then in the third address it is a G-Mail address attached to sassieshop. This is a balatent violation of the Can-Spam Act of 2003.

You can download a free copy of the Can-Spam Act at

Http://frwebgate. Access. Gpo. Gov/cgi-bin/getdoc. Cgi? Dbname=108_cong_public_laws&docid=f: publ187.108. Pdf

Here is part of the law and how it reads concerning companies and spammers who try use multiple e-mail header addresses:

Public law 108187dec. 16 117 stat. 2701

header information. The term header information means the source, destination, and routing information attached to an electronic mail message, including the originating domain name and originating electronic mail address, and any other information that appears in the line identifying, or purporting to identify, a person initiating the message.

1037. Fraud and related activity in connection with electronic mail

(a) IN GENERAL. Whoever, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce accesses a computer and intentionally initiates the transmission of multiple commercial electronic mail messages from or through a computer,

(2) uses a computer to relay or retransmit multiple commercial electronic mail messages, with the intent to deceive or mislead recipients, or any Internet access service, as to the origins of such messages,

(3) materially falsifies header information in multiple commercial electronic mail messages and intentionally initiates the transmission of such messages,

(4) registers, using information that materially falsifies the identity of the actual registrant, for five or more electronic mail accounts or online user accounts or two or more domain names, and intentionally initiates the transmission of multiple commercial electronic mail messages from any combination of such accounts or domain names, or

(5) falsely represents oneself to be the registrant or the legitimate successor in interest to the registrant of 5 or more Internet Protocol addresses, and intentionally initiates the transmission of multiple commercial electronic mail messages from such addresses, or conspires to do so, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

(b) PENALTIES. The punishment for an offense under section 1037 is

(1) a fine or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both.

Hope this sheads some light for all of you out there in cyberland who are fed up with spammers.

Company: Sassieshop
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Perrysburg
Address: 28315 Kensington Lane Suite A
Phone: 4198725103
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Consumer Report

Nxlevel Entertainment
NXL21 This company is harrassing me. On multiple occasions I have "Unsubscribed" to their spam e: mails but I keep getting messages. I have copied the US Gov SPAM e: mail address on multiple occassions and

Phrmacy Med Pro
Company is sending spam for drugs utilizing individuals e-mail and domain name. Site is a rip off. They are thieves Fraud and Spam Internet
Consumer Report

Vantage Logistics
Consumer Report

Shtyle. fm
Sent SPAM e-mails to everyone on my e-mail list
Released e-mail and personal information to third party spammers Langley British Columbia
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