The Unternational Society Of Poets ripoff took away my dream along with my money decieving and devious U.S.A

Internet & Web

I have wrote various pieces of work and placed them on poetry.com each time i got a congratulations stating that my work was to be published and i was given the oppertunity each time i submitted to buy the anthology series they had coming out soon, each time i thought well i would realy like a copy with my work in as it has been a dream of mine to have my work published well each time i was getting the letters i became overjoyed pleased as i was i kept showing my parents and my fiancee and i started to think that maybe it was finaly going to happen and my dream could be coming true

Any how i didnt send any money for the anthology as i was short of money at that time however after i had gotten back from holliday and eventualy got my finances sorted out i recieved a letter inviting me to a poetry gala in america well i never got round to writing to them back however i did spend a bit of time on the computer and i had descided to check my e-mails and i had about 4 e-mails from poetry.com saying that i was invited to america to the poetry gala but with work and not having the money well not enough for that anyway i thought i cant go but it did state that if i paid a sum of money i could have the poem read out at the gala by a proffesional

It stated that if i did not go though i could not win the cheque for $10.000.00 but i thought well first it is being published and that itself was great but withing the money that i sent i was going to recieve by express delivery my trophie a medal and an ip number so i dont know why i just thought well if all my work is to be published that i had sent in it seemed worth it especialy the trophie as that realy looked the part so i paid by visa over the internet and a while after i had paid, the money had come out of my account and been recieved by poetry.com it came close to 150.00 but i was just looking forward to what was supposed to be on its way to me a few weeks had passed and nothing

The contest was sep 20th i have phoned the number given and just keep getting through to an elderly couple so i have stopped phoning as i didnt think it was right so i tried replying to sender by e-mail and supprise supprise there was always an error i paid the money in august and still nothing i have only just started looking for things to do with poetry.com and realised it was a scam is there no way that legal action can be taken from the uk and is that the money gone with nothing to show for it if i could take legal action how could i do that from the uk these are just a few questions i have started to ask myself

United Kingdom

Company: Poetry.com
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: U. s. a
Address: 1 Plaza Place Owingsmills 21117
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The International Library Of Poetry - poetry.com
The International Library Of Poetry continual offers "your nomination for Who's Who in Poetry

International Society Of Poets - International Library Of Poets - poetry.com
Poetry.com, Poet Society Where Are My Poems?!

Poetry.com and Poets.com (aka International Library of Poetry)
POETRY.com aka International Library of Poetry -A MEAN SPIRITED RIP-OFF GOES WORLD-WIDE

Ripoff I paid for a book that I have never recieved ripped off Maryland

International Society Of Poetry, poetry.com
International Society Of Poetry AKA poetry.com My poetry was stolen, and is now missing

American Poetry Society
Ripoff, unfairness

The International Society Of Poetry And Poetry.com
He stole my private, unpublished poetry and says he's going to publish a book, with it in it

International Library Of Poetry ripoff, sells you your own poetry. Everybody is a winner no matter how bad you are

International Society Of Poets - Poetry.com
I summited a couple of my poems that ment something to me that i wanted to share with anyone who wanted to read them because maby someone else could understand what i was feeling and now my poetry is

International Library of Poetry
Poetry.com, lulu poetry Scam