DComputers - Surplus Computers
D'Computers - Robert Lowell Internet/Job Fraud

Internet & Web

I replied to a job listed on craigslist.com for a bookkeeper/data entry clerk. I received an email from Kathy Carena saying that my resume fit what they were looking for. She said that I was to have an internet interview with a Robert Lowell the following monday. I just had to add him to my yahoo messenger as robertlowell. Dcomputers@yahoo.com. I admit I was skeptical but I did it in the hopes it would not be a scam.

Robert Lowell showed up at the specified time and he conducted a basic interview then he sent me this wild questionnaire full of grammatical errors. I filled it out when I noticed it really did not ask for anything personal that could be damaging and I sent it back to him. He reviewed it, or so he said, then came back an hour later and said I was hired. He told me to contact Joseph Babel (josephbabel99@yahoo.com) and provided me with a form letter to send to him to order all the equipment I would need. He also sent me an "appointment letter" that again was filled grammatical errors. At no time did he ask for anything more personal than my mailing address. He told me to report online at 9:00 am the next day to start my testing/training period.

I showed up out of curiousity and he was online at the time he said. He sent me a basic bookkeeping test to show I knew how to reconcile a bank account. I did it within a few minutes and sent it back. The next day he sent me a project to do and I sent it back within an hour and went on with my day.in the process of this, Joseph Babel sent me back an email telling me how to order the equipment and how much to send him. I asked Robert Lowell if I would be responsible in paying for this, figuring this was the point of the scam. He came back with a resounding No! So I forwarded hiim the email and he never mentioned it again.

Today is the third day of my association with this man and he finally came around to asking me for my banking account and routing number (something I was waiting for). Of course, I am not an idiot and told me that I was not giving him that. I said if he wanted to pay me, he could mail me a check. He said "Okay!" and went on like nothing was amiss and I let it drop.

Now whether I will see a check or not is not clear but I highly doubt that I will. I kept all the documents he sent me including our IM conversation from that first day. I think this is most assuredly a scam and I am moving on, hoping that someone finds out who this is and stops him.in this economy, to build up one's hopes about a job... Any job... Knowing that its not a real one is just dispicable and cruel. Just beware everyone. There are predators out there for sure!

Company: DComputers - Surplus Computers
Country: USA
Phone: 2105917690
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"Affiliated" with Surplus Computers Online job offers, bogus? RobertLowell. Dcomputers@yahoo.com

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