Castlebridge Publishing
They should be persecuted

Internet & Web

I would like to file a lawsuit. Isend $40 to this company that I badly needed it thinking I could make money for the everyday needs.

I have two kids and the money that my husband makes isn't enough. This company send me some papers to mail out by advertising when they said I wouldnt have to advertise.

I advertize them and I never made a cent. Now I WAISTED $40 wich right know i still need. They said its money back guaranteed, but there's no way to reach them to get my money back.

The only persons making lots of money are them. Ripping off people who really needs the money. I think this should be illegal.

Company: Castlebridge Publishing
Country: USA
State: Colorado
Address: 700 N. COLORADOBLVD. #288
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