Arbonne International
No Support From Upline After Signup, Have Worked Hard for This Company With NOTHING To Show For It

Internet & Web

I've read a lot of different opinions about Arbonne online and I could relate to just about everyone. Most people have said that they had initial support from their upline, then suddenly it seemed like they were completely on their own (which is one of the things bothering me). My RVP called me to answer a question I had. I just wanted to know if I only had to the end of Dec. To make District and she pretty much told me that I must not be doing the business right because she never had a struggle like this, etc., etc. I really don't like to give up on anything, the beginning, but I can't help but get frustrated by indirect responses from my so-called "support" upline. Sometimes I don't even get a response from my upline or they tell me that I'm not building my team right. I have busted my butt to get a team started and to do events to meet more people, but overall no one is interested in buying high-priced product plus a huge shipping fee, plus tax or to sign up to do it either no matter how excited I get about it.
I called Arbonne to try to switch teams, but they opposed it because they said not having enough support is not a viable reason. A close friend told me not to feel bad if I don't make it to the huge money-making bracket because he says I have put so much effort, time, and money into this business and have only been paid $100 that any company would love to have me on their team and to compensate me for my worth. The upline says getting paid for time is not good, but if only I was getting paid for my time I'd have a huge check in the mail! Instead, I've made $100 from Arbonne in four months' time. I was skeptical about the business from the get-go and I asked lots of questions (which they did not like and made them very uncomfortable and I NEVER did get straight answers!), and I said I wasn't much of a people person and I didn't like sales, but "the girls" told me that ANYONE could do this business and it would make me a better person.

Well, it's only pushed my friends away and taken away quality time with my child and husband, leaving me frustrated, used, and stressed. Needless to say, it didn't chI was doing this business because to get us a bigger house and for my husband and so, but Ezequiel said that I clash with the girls because I question everything and I can't lie about change me. You can't change a person's innate traits! An extrovert will always possess extrovert characteristics and someone who hates sales won't suddenly love sales! I didn't want to change. The "team" calls it coming out of your comfort zone; I call it trying to change a person into something they are not! And even though some products are good, others are terrible!
For instance, I ordered the lash enhancer, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss to try it so if a customer asked me about it, I would know how it worked. I tried the lash enhancer for a few days and I broke out in a rash on my eyelid. My eyes are still swelled up and itching like crazy. Nothing, no matter how cheap I've ever used, has caused a reaction like this! If it's not better by tomorrow I will have to go to the doctor. Ok, so the mascara is the worst I've used. It clumps your lashes if you don't put it on just perfectly. The eyeliner falls apart upon contact, so I've wasted about half the stick! The lip gloss broke when I pulled off the lid and I had to glue it back for it to be usable! How can I sell this to my customers!? All my current clients have told me they've seen no results and are unhappy. My upline will just say it's something I'm doing wrong because "they've never had this problem." So what do I do? They've told me to get excited over the product and opportunity even if I have doubts. That's not me! I can't get excited over something that has failed completely for me! But I know that what I am being asked to do goes against my ethics and I wont lie about anything! I can't send it back because I will have to pay shipping (AGAIN!)
I have also heard that to get promoted to District you have to buy your own product or get your family to buy a bunch or product to help you. Very disheartening. Why should I put this unfair burden on family and friends and why would I ever want to put my economic fate in others' hands? Oh, and the sales I busted out for this company...
I woke up right before Xmas to an $800 order from a client! That would qualify me for District! I was ecstatic, until I found out that I only got credit for $500 because the $300 worth of compacts doesn't count. And I didn't get paid a dime off the sale I made either! If she knew I made nothing off of her order, she'd probably flip! So the booming business I do have with an outstanding client support system has not put a penny in my pocket! My RVP asked me why my client was buying a bunch of compacts for her Xmas order... Ah, excuse me? So, I am supposed to discourage my customer from buying what she wants simply because I don't get any sales credit on those items? Come on, Arbonne, if you are predicted to be a trillion dollar company, you can at least give your consultants credit for powder compacts! I made nothing on that big sale and I never qualified for District. So close, but there's always a catch.
Do I tell my clients not to buy from me because it doesn't count!? That if they don't sign up for a discount, they are not helping me out at all?
I am disappointed in this. And if my upline reads this they will probably snicker and say "She just didn't want to work for it." I am one of the hardest workers out there and I put so much work into this, but because I don't have rich friends and family members to team up with and buy a bunch of stuff that they might never use and because I don't fake excitement over things that have broken, given me a reaction, or failed for me completely, I will not make it to the top. But I would have been happy to just see my efforts pay off, but they never did and all I succeeded in doing was scare everyone away because my team tried to convince me that if they didn't buy or sign up, they weren't friends. I prefer to do business ethically and the "right way" and I am too honest of a person to lie my way to the top.

Company: Arbonne International
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 9400 Jeronimo Rd
Phone: 18002726663
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Arbonne International
Yes, it DOES matter who your upline is! Mine sucked!

Arbonne International
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I am at lost for words. I really thought this was christian people?


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Pre Paid Legal
Prepaid Legal: Money & Time Investment Not Balancing Out

Made no money-Upline would not leave us alone! National