Is a total ripoff. Tsavo agency sucks tsavo agency sucks

Internet & Web

We hired them to remove some negative links from Google. Theysaid they could delete those links but I still see them in Google or Yahoo. TSAVOAGENGY.com services are not of high quality, results are aspreparing and organizing company. I sent many emails to tsavoagency.com and askfor explanations, but I was not contacted by anyone from the company, thisproves their irresponsibility towards potential customers. Avoid tsavo agency!!!

Company: Tsavoagency
Country: USA
Phone: 5554445555
Site: tasvoagency.com
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TSAVOAGENCY.com is a total ripoff
Tsavo agency sucks

Tsavoagency.com/ReputationMgmt scam ripoff

Tsavoagency.com Christian Neeser
Tsavoagency.com Christian Neeser scam ripoff fraud

Tsavoagency.com Christian Neeser beware of this company

TsavoagencyReputationMgmt are not honest

Zallas.com aka Reputec.com are advertising themselves to SCAM people, DO NOT Trust their internet po

Google is worst

Google Annihilation
Google Annihilation is not as Promised. Uk

Liars searchreputationmanagement.org scam Searchreputationmanagement.org is a total rip off. We hired them to remove some negative links from Google and instead of removing them, they posted more untrue things about us. We even paid $5000 to

Internet Advancement
Seems to be out of business