Niteflirt - Ingenio - Keen
Ingenio, Niteflirt, nite flirt, keen,, Niteflirt has always scammed you, you just didnt know it!

Internet & Web

Now this is gone on long enough, someone needs to speak up and I don't mean the workers from niteflirt acting as flirts either! Enough of that. All the speakers who has spoke out trying to make niteflirt look innocent is niteflirt themselves! They are a scam!!!
I speak for the Adult Phone sex and Cam line - The niteflirt flirts who have been scammed and lied to!
They want flirts to create sites and advertise for them. It is all fixed to ripped you off. The system does not clearly show you when you are paid for referrals! If it does shoe you, it just shows you a few paid rewards just to keep you to keep advertising for them.
Things you should know: Adult Flirt and Phone sex Operators
Did you know there are flirts pretending to be flirts when it is Niteflirt themselves. Posting in their fake forum acting as if they get paid from niteflirt to make other clients sign up on their bogus phone system. They monitor everything, even your sent emails that you've sent to all your customers including friends. They never liked when you try to steal thier traffic or customers. This is the reason for not accepting your listing for this and that. As you know niteflirt is out of wack and out of wack for a reason. This was their plan. They got tired, Tired of the flirts and workers taking their customers and if you were working on there and you never really brought enough money into the system, your listing will be out of wack on purpose or you will have alot of errors. They want only the flirts who have bid high in the past to get real interested callers. They are trying to wean out all the flirts who did not bring enough income in to them. Make sense doesn't it, keep reading. There are only a few there for a reason to confused you and get you continue to advertise for them. They don't want you to know that you are not making them any money so you need to be removed from the system! They won't tell you this. They keep lying to use you.
The Community Forums in there is niteflirt posing as real girls like the workers or flirts to argue or lie to you about what is going on. They are telling you anything just to keep drawing money to their rip off system.
Bidding does not work anymore because flirts who don't do real phone sex keep bidding just to get callers routed to their sites.
The ability to contact customers were shut down to keep you from getting them back because you could have been one who discuss routing the customers to your sites.
Many have complained about not getting paid, calls been made but no funds loaded, buttons not working, deposits issues and more. It's all for a reason.
Listings are pending and not accepted because they don't want you to work there. You are taking up allot of space with all your fake pictures and ugly terrible huge design, html text.
Beware they are taking too much money from you, you don't get tributes, you don't get no mail notification. Money is taken from you.
Trying to call them does not do any good because it redirects to an automatic voice mail and they tell you to leave a message with your flirt name. They listen to you and not care as soon as they go to your listing and see that you don't or haven't brought allot of money to the system.
They pretend that they care in the fake forum built to keep you working and advertising for them on all your sites.
Here's most of this sites Issues from the flirts and workers in there. This came from Niteflirt's forum! And be sure to read about email and payment info below. It's hilarious. Funny how they terrible they have scammed the girls.
Glitch of the WEEK, Oct 21st: Niteflirt hosted images are not showing... The box on many NF hosted listings is "x-ed" out. Erin has said they are working on it, and has suggested hosting your pics in alternate places in the meantime
I'll try to keep up on this post too... I'll post when resolved.
Mostly I am posting things that have shown to be on ongoing problem for many or all flirts.
In no particular order.
1. Some calls not credited at all.
2. Some calls only partially credited
3. Some calls broken into two transactions
4. Call button becoming available during time customer is adding to account.
5. Sometimes people are getting a recording asking them if they want to change their availability instead of the NF intro when they answer the phone.
6. Other calls coming in while on a call.
7. Calls coming in when availability turned off
8. Availability turned on by itself resulting in unwanted calls
9. Getting stuck on busy
10. When on calls, call buttons do not always change to busy.
11. On some calls, pressing one to accept the call takes you into availability menu, possibly the same as #5 above, possibly different issue.
12. When call is missed, or there is an issue with caller, no email received to let you know which member tried to call
13. No recording with name or which listing or price so flirts know which listing/account is being called
14. Often there is no recording at the end of a call to indicate the call is ended and what the time and amount earned was, instead there is a repeating message that never ends that you get that says 'please hold while we ask the customer...", but in fact, the call has really ended but not disconnected
15. Listings that have 6 digiit extensions, do not work, system requires 7, but many flirts have only 6
16. Call quality is spotty, sometimes staticky, sometimes muffled. Flirts are reporting an "underwater" quality to calls
17, On paid calls, amounts paid dont match up to what recording says... And their is no good way in transactions to reconcile free minutes into transaction, use of free minutes in a specific transaction is unknown
18. There are many free minute glitches. Firstly, there is no way to know ahead of time if a caller is using free minutes. Some callers seem to have all their calls have free minutes, and callers seem to be able to use the aggregrate amounts of free minutes on one call. Some callers seems to have recieved multiple credits of free minutes
19. It seems blocked callers can call sometimes on recording listings, being put through to the flirt like a regular call. There is at least two recent reports, since the blocked caller update on 10.5, that a blocked caller was able to call
20. Within 5 seconds of the "one minute warning" the message that comes on to say the caller must add to the account comes on... No where near a minute
1. Some flirts cannot email other flirts
2. Some flirts cannot email more than one customer at a time

Some flirts can mass email only when clicking group on customer list. Some flirts cannot email in this manner.
3. Some PTV's are not hitting the transactions timely or at all.
4. Email notifications to email are non existent or spotty to some flirts. Email notifications sometimes do not contain links, or do not contain text of content
5. Notification of paid emails do not seem to be working
6. At least one flirt it reporting that a payment request email debited from her account instead of adding to it
7. Email glitch update. This glitch seems to exist when typing the name in the compose field rather than clicking it from the Member Name list link. However not every member name is accessible from this link
9. Very old mail may be listed as new mail since the transition, resulting in "new" mails being buried pages and pages back
10. Odd email recieved on payment emails internally from system entitled " system Payment Notification Notice" (sort of redundant. Isn't it? Inside the email it mispells "paid" as "payed" Also... Sometimes the payment isn't actually credited, but sometimes it is

Edit issues
1. Troubles uploading photos and thumbnails
2. Listing edit preview does not display properly. It shows code that will not show in the submitted listing, such as tags, fragments of link code, and other similar things. It does not display some external images, such as backgrounds. Also, simple jаvascript that previously worked now breaks the listing preview window so that no final submit button appears..
3. Some flirts cannot edit the color of their text-defaults to black
4. Some previously uploaded photos are missing 5. Link to access previously uploaded photos missing and in some cases the previously uploaded photos are missing

Payment issues
1. Some flirts are not receiving direct deposits timely
2. Some flirts didn't receive paper checks for Sept or received very late
3. Some questions editing payment information for some flirts, around social security numbers, country of residence. Some flirts had payment information revert to previous addresses or bank accounts. (If you're reading this and haven't checked your information recently for accuracy, you should)
4. At least one flirt cannot access her banking information with the same password she uses for her account
5. Flirts in other countries, including Canada and UK are unable to access their address information to check for it being correct, and are absolutely unable to do an address change for their check/cheques.

PPV buttons and Misc
1. Pop up message for code for PTV buttons has cryptic message instead of indicating the title of the PTV like it used to.
2. Some customers are getting messages they are blocked on phone but can email. Customers that appear to not have been blocked. Question, is anyone still hearing from customers they want blocked?
3. PTV buttons are appearing 2 or more times in the master page where they are listed —This issue seems to be resolved now 10/5/09 4. Link to forum rules at top of forum is miissing;
5. Some listings approved before transition went into pending and are still sitting there in pending
6. Points are being added and subtracted in incorrect amounts, or for missing calls due to system glitches. Some flirts (including me) are getting too many points for calls, others none for calls that needed points
7. Title tag on flirt's homepage reads flirt name then Business Applications, Counseling & Therapy, Accounting Software This should be changed transaction history, when you click payment mail details, you get KeenMail in the title bar.
9. When dialing #800 number, the option 4 to check account balances is not functioning.instead it tells you the person is not available...?
10. Callbuttons we are given to put on the web are static. They do not change to away or busy when our status changes.
PTV buttons sometimes are not working, leading to error pages at times and working at other times.
Customer Access and issues on customer end callers can't call right now-outside US and Canada
International flirts outside US and Canada can't take calls 2. Some customers cannot add to their account
3. Some customers can't reach some flirts... One error message was: error msg 502 Proxy Error Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET / cards/1745357/edit. Reason: Error reading from remote server 4. Many customers report their favorites missing or some favorites missing. At least one flirt cannot access her favorite list
5. Some customers have incorrect information in their accounts, from old information reverting that is affecting their ability to add money to their accounts
6. Some customers are being cut off after one minute on the phone after they have just added a large amount to their account.
7. It appears that some customers maybe being overcharged for calls, in some cases large amounts.
8. Customers are complaining to flits about lack of response in customer service forms being filled out regarding overcharges
9. It appears some customers are being charged for the time a flirt is "stuck on busy" One case was reported where a customers account went into the negative amount
9. Some customers are reporting to flits that they are unable to leave feedback.
10. Feedback seems to be dated the day the customer left it, not the date of the transaction
11. There are reports of customers being redirected to a different flirt in his favorite list after the add money interruption callers can't use the customer support form as intended because it requires a 10 digit phone number, which European callers do not have
When clicking a call button, some callers are initially given a message that they have a lot of time in their account, but when attempting to connect, get a message that the do not have enough for a minute and must add. (See screenshot below by PAQ)
Recorded listings: 1. Some flirts have received phone calls on them
'2. They appear on account page even though they dont work
3. They are included in drop down list or listings for emails, not sure if this is a glitch or intentional for some reason
1. Some flirts have listings that don't appear
'2. Some flirts have listings that disappear after taking a call
3. No one has a call button next to their own listing when logged in. This is not strictly a bug, because it doesn't effect functioning, but clearly has distressed many flirts.
4. Many flirts missing from top available and highest ratings.
5. Listings that seem to be old or abandoned are apearing on front page ;
6. Some listings have duplicates entries when viewing from Highest Rating and Top Available
7. Some flirts have deleted listings appearing
Pending listings are not being approved. Some flirts have previously accepted listings that went into pending at the transition and are stuck there
I am certain there are issues/bugs/glitches I haven't posted here. I'm going to try to keep an updated list here for a while so that flirts can check to see if others are having the same issue they are.
If you want to remind me of a problem/bug I've missed, post it here and I'll add it. Please for my sanity, limit your posts to problems/glitches bugs / things NOT on my list or an expansion of those I've listed here... Along the same line, please check the list to see if your glitch is on it first before adding.
This is because they simply do not want flirts who don't bring enough cash to their site!!! Economy is bad, they just want money and they are trying to get as much as they can!
If they do get back up, they will have a lot more rules to use their system!!! Do not join them or break your back buying. Guys, most of the girls on there are not real, Niteflirt staff posting as girls, or the same girl with 12 listings. Leave the site and seek eslewhere for phonesex. This Niteflirt is a complete RIP OFF, even before the site went down, they still ripped you off, you just didn't know it. The freaking guys who called you were Niteflirt checking you out to see how much you tell them guys to go to your sites, or to tribute with other methods and more.

Company: Niteflirt - Ingenio - Keen
Country: USA
Address: 182 Howard Street #827
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Niteflirt - Ingenio - Keen
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Ingenio, Niteflirt,
INGENIO - NITEFLIRT - Ingenio Niteflirt Internet Phonesex Scam

Niteflirt Aka Ingenio Aka Keen
Incorrect monies in IC accounts, calls not coming through, dropping calls, poor customer service, bids expiring without getting calls