Computer Geeks
A warning to anyone thinking of doing business with this merchant. Beware of deceptive trade practices

Internet & Web

Like others I read here, I am in the midst of a very bad experience with this merchant.
Sept. 20 I ordered a laptop from them. It was refurbished but had a 90 warranty. I received the laptop Sept 30 and within two days I discovered the sound was not working.

I called them and the manufacturer of the computer trying to see if it was something I could repair without all the trouble of returning it etc. Turned out both of them said it had to be returned for a hardware repair. I received their RMA which was boldly written that it was not a prepaid return... Meaning I paid $ 20 to return the five day old defective computer to them.

Fast forward, I received the supposedly repaired computer back on Oct 29. Sad to note it did the same thing and now it had other issues. I notified Computer Geeks of this on Nov 4th. To which they said they would take the computer back.By now I am pretty well fed up with their lack of professionalism and would have just cancelled the deal and went elsewhere. However, their answer to me was that the one month period for getting a refund had expired. All they could do is allow me an in-house credit for the computer. I would have to use the credit to buy something else. Keep in mind all the time I was unwrapping and re-wrapping their faulty computer sending it back.

As it stands right now I have reluctantly agreed to let them repair the laptop or replace it with one that is the same of better than the one I ordered originally. I am sitting on the edge of my chair waiting to see what is going to happen. I did reserve the right to reject the replacement if it does not replicate what I wanted but I cannot be sure what they may try this time.

All through this sorted affair it has been me that has had to push them to do the right thing. No one I have found is willing to take ownership of the problem and walk it
through to a solution. You can be sure what was a good relationship before this is now
a thing of the past.

I hope no one has to experience the disgust I've experienced. That is my sole reason for writing this report.

Company: Computer Geeks
Country: USA
State: California
City: Oceanside
Address: 1875 Ord Way, Oceanside, CA
Phone: 7607267759
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