PCUSA Corporation
Super slow on rebate, "contact us" doesn't work

Internet & Web

Having a hard time getting or tracking a rebate submitted to PCUSA Corp. We got an I-Rocks IR-1050 AC/USB Power Adaptor/Quick Charger, via ClubMac, along with an iPod nano purchase. The rebate would make the I-Rocks adaptor free.

We registered for the rebate online in Aug. got a rebate confirmation code, and promptly sent in the paperwork. It's now November, and we haven't received anything.

The website allows for "tracking" the rebate, and recognizes my code, and simply says it's "in process". The "contact us" page doesn't work: I filled it out and tried to submit the email, and got an error message from the site:

ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access / cgi-bin/pcusa_contact. Cgi on this server.

I'm frustrated!

Company: PCUSA Corporation
Country: USA
Phone: 9095959474
Site: pcusacorp.com
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