International Poet Society is what i would log on to when i wanted to write Poetry

Internet & Web

I submitted countless poems to this website for years and i would go back an look in to my account and notice pleanty of times my poetry had gotten removed or i would notice it under a new title for different people. I would brush it off at first. They claimed the poems were copy written and i recieved many letters inviting me to go to confrences and offering to publish my poetry in their anthology series. Well it never happend a friend of mine purchased the series when her poems got submitted and she still to this day has not recieved it. That was 3 years ago. I almost purchased a plaque but decided against it. Well to get to the point i went through a hard time in my life and lost everything i had ever written when i came back to look at my poetry so that i could get a copy for the series i decided to personally publish the website had changed with no record of any of my poems and i saw this report. The poems i wrote during those times were symbols of a life i no longer have a part of and i want them back. Please don't fall into the internet scams if you are a writer put it on file when and who has copywritten your poems and don't send any of these internet sites your money. Its just creates a false hope for people who want and need to have their voices heard.

Company: International Poet Society
Country: USA
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International Society Of Poets - International Library Of Poets -, Poet Society Where Are My Poems?!

Pittsley Realty
Ripoff underhanded realty business
I agree that is a ripoff -
Poetry I had submitted to is no longer there and I cannot contact anyone

International Society Of Poets -
I summited a couple of my poems that ment something to me that i wanted to share with anyone who wanted to read them because maby someone else could understand what i was feeling and now my poetry is

The International Library Of Poetry -
The International Library Of Poetry continual offers "your nomination for Who's Who in Poetry - International Library Of Poetry, International Library of Poetry ripoff! I wrote a poem called "This is a Trip" telling the company what I thought of them and they sent me a letter
International library of made me think I won and put all heart and soul into my poetry and thought my poems were published and now can't find them anywhere

The International Library Of Poetry,
Ripoff is a fraud. Only one of my 22 poems was actually in a book

International Library Of Poetry They ripped me off of all my poems and they made me buy books that had my poems in them. They took advantage of me and my feeling in a Bad Way... And big way