Credit Monitor Service ripoff thieves Internet

Internet & Web

CIC Credit Monitor Service is a big scam!!! They are charging me for services I did not ask for! They ask you a to part question, as to whether or not you want their services. Somehow, even if you answer NO you still end up getting charged a fee of $79.00. CIC are a bunch of crooks and something needs to be done!!

Company: Cic
Country: USA
State: FL Internet
City: Miami
Phone: 8775134175
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CIC Credit Monitor Services
Credit Monitor Services theft, my accout was burglarized by credit monitor services, I did not even bite on their e mail ripoff

CIC Credit Monitor Services AKA Consumerinfo
I was ripped off by CIC Credit Monitor Services to the tune of $79.95

CIC Credit Monitor Service —
CIC Credit Monitor Service ripoff — promised free credit report, but charged my credit card for hidden monthly fees

CIC*Credit Monitor Svc
CIC Credit Monitor Svc ripoff Worldwide

CDEC Credit Monitor Svc AKA CIC Credit Monitor Svc Unauthorized Credit Card Charge Ripoff Internet C
CDEC Credit Monitor Svc AKA CIC Credit Monitor Svc Unauthorized Credit Card Charge, ripoff Internet

CIC * Credit Monitor
Cic credit report for a service i never received i never intended to signup

CIC Credit Monitor Service
Billing ripoff charged for free services

CIC Credit Monitor Service

CIC*Credit Monitor Services
CIC Credit Monitor Svc ripoff unauthorized charge to my credit card (debit card) Internet

CIC Credit Monitor Svc
CIC Credit Monitor ripoff charged card w/o consent or knowledge California