Resveratrol Ultra
Resveratrol Ultra charged $87.13 to my card without my authorization and refuses to give me a refund

Internet & Web

I read the website closely and it states 30 day money back guarantee. You must cancel within 15 days from the time your shipment arrives. This is probaBLy misleading to alot of people. But I admitt, I did understand that I had 15 days from the time I received my package not 30 days.

The day I recieved my package, May 11th, I called to cancel, because I read where they were going to charge me $87.13 every 2 months.

When I canceled on the computer there wasn't a confirmation number or even a human you spoke with. Needless to say I didn't trust that my cancellation went thru so I called to cancel. I wrote down the name of the person I spoke with & got a confirmation number. He assured me there would be no addition charges to my card.

On May the 6th may card was already charged $87.13. I didn't get upset, I called to explain there had been a mistake. The lady I spoke with said they would not refund my money due to not canceling within 15 days. She was not interested in hearing my explanation of when I received my order or what the representative told me when I caceled. She kept repeating the same thing, "we can not refund your money ma'am-you didnt cancel within the specified period."

I can not control when my package arrives thru the mail, Heck, I had even called them to check on why my order hadn't arrived when they estimated it should. They assured me my order had been placed & it should arrive soon.

How can they charge my card before I receive my order?

Part of why I trusted this website was the video they had from a CNN special with Barbara Walters on this product. Wow how dumb was I?

Company: Resveratrol Ultra
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hollywood
Phone: 8669490138
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RESVERATROL ULTRA SWM Laboratory - 15 day trial scam

Resveratrol Ultra
Unauthorized charges

Resveratrol Ultra
Even after I cancelled they continue to debit my bank account

Resveratrol Ultra
Made it impossible to cancel my order. I would call the phone number and be placed in an menu on put on hold then I would be disconnected. This goes on over and over. Then when you finally get thru on the automated phone menu to cancel you get hung up on

Body Fit Pro
BodyFitPro scam-cancelled within alloted time, kept charging credit card, refunded one month but I have been trying since June to get other month back. Also contacted MC they haven't done a thing

Resveratrol Ultra
Resveratrol Ultra is a total SCAM! They steal from your bank account!

Anti age Resveratrol
Resveratrol Ultra: Deliberately mislead-Cancel in 14 days-return nothing-keep even if don't want, they don't tell you it's 14 days from when they mail it and you DO need to mail it back!

Premium White
Smilebright Their "free sample" offer is a scam. Don't fall for it

Ipped off by Oxi-Berry and Ratrol-Resveratrol

Natural Source Store