Alyon Technologies
Ripoff deception victimized many consumers

Internet & Web

This is not my first encounter with this company! When residing else where, they had these pop-up add's advertising three days of free browsing and unfortunately my teenage son LOVE's anything free!

Needless to say, he didn't realize that this is just a (censored)! Yes, there was porn! But he figured as long as we didn't know who would possibly get hurt, it said it was FREE TRIAL PERIOD OF THREE DAY'S! Well, hundred's of dollars later! We (the family) purchased this computer to become more computer literate, basically for educational purposes. We were not aware that just anybody could just click yes. We were under the impression that the individual had to have a credit card. Woe to us!

When tring to clear up this mess, my significant other got verbally abused by an Alyon staff member, accusing him of having made this huge bill! Not only making the bill but being some kind of pervert and that he was possibly tring to (censored) this company! He is not that way! Our relationship deteriorated after that and now I live here with my teenage boy's.

Much to my dismay, I called my telephone provider and requested a 900 block and a block of any possible porn sites on my phone, computer link and that was in early April! I think this has to stop! I am a college student, raising two teenage boy's and I can't afford any of these bill's. I can't afford purchasing the Nanny and I really was under the impression from my phone company that no porn link's could be accessed as I requested a porn block on all 900 number's and any associated number's dealing with porn!

Then today! May 26, I just got a bill from you know who! Alyon Technologies! My phone company assured me in April that this could not happen! I want this trash to stop! No more deceptive add's, no more excess billing, trickery and other unethical practices. If anyone wants to access this trash let them use a credit card!

Then the chances of this happening will be less likely to occur! This company want's people to be responsible about paying their bill's, most people are! This is easy access by children, without parental supervision and that is exactly what this company is hopeing for! They are the predator's! They prey on unsuspecting individual's promising a free preview and then zapping the unfortunate individual's with huge bill's, through several different companies, hook-up charges and disconnection fee's. They prey on unsuspecting parents through pop-up add's that children access. This happens a lot, or so they (people at Alyon) tell me. What's wrong with this picture?

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: P.O. Box 923299
Phone: 9068642601
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Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon Technologies ripoff charged for a porn sight I would never used rip off scam (censored) norcross

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon technologies incalyon technologies ripoff (censored)

Alyon Technologies
Victimized many consumers fraudulent ripoff business rip off spam (censored)

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff artists victimized us dishonest and fraudulent billing!

Alyon Technologies Inc
Slime-ball deceptive Company took advantage of teenage

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon Technologies ripoff business from hell. They will get what they deserve!

Alyon Technologies

Alyon Technologies
Makes it so easy for minors to access porn sites

Alyon Technologies

A, lyon Technologies
Alyon Technologies Rip-off! They expose children to porn. Here's some encouragement for victims. Atlanta Georgia