AMCAF Jeff Augugliaro American Cancer Aid Foundation AMCAF Ripoff, Dishonest, Scam, Charity Scam

Internet & Web

This posting is fairly long, if you have the time, I do recommend that you read over it, but if you are in a hurry, please be sure to read the last 4-5 paragraphs as they contain important information about the above mentioned company (s).

My first encounter with this company came when I signed up for a shopping jobs website (Which is also run by and I was offered 2 free airline tickets for joining. I received an e-mail which instructed me to print it out and send along with a $20 check made payable to 'The Guest List' at the address provided, which is exactly what I did.

My second encounter with the company (unbeknownst to me at the time) came when I was searching for a part time job that I would be able to do from home. I came across a job listing seeking directors to help raise funds for cancer awareness. I thought, 'Geez, that would be nice. I can earn money and still help out a cause at the same time.' of course, I did not realize that the two free airline tickets were the same airline tickets that I had signed up for, just from a different website.

After I signed up, I got the bright idea that I would promote this opportunity via the online auction as well as to all my neighbors, family, and friends. All was going quite well. I explained the program and stipulations thoroughly on all my ebay auctions and that part of the money would be going to a wonderful cause.

I began to put two and two together when 60 days had elapsed and I had not yet received my tickets or any word from the company. I then saw that the physical address for the director's website was in the same city as the Guest List, and on top of that, the very same street. Still, I thought very little of it and assumed that the reason the Director Position website could give out the plane tickets was simply because they were located so closely to the Guest List.

I made sure to check my banking account to make sure of the date the check was endorsed and cashed by The Guest List (if you include from the date I actually sent in my payment, it would have been 72 days I was without my tickets, but I started counting from the time the check was cashed). I sent a notice to The Guest List stating that 60 days (8 weeks, they have a 4-8 week processing period, which of course was not stated ANYWHERE on the forms I had submitted... I found it out simply from my investigations) gently asking how my ticket registration was coming along. Still no word and it is 75 days later. At this point is when I decided that I need to do some much needed investigation.

I first started at the eBay help/community section as one of my auctions was cancelled because of these "plane ticket vouchers/choice travel vouchers" and I saw numerous complaints from people who had purchased these tickets and received nothing, and many of them came from The American Cancer Aid Foundation (which is the operating name for, that is when ALL the red flags started to fly.

I do not want to be a part of such a dishonest company, nor do I want any legal recourse as I have referred numerous people as well as accept money for these "plane ticket vouchers" and I had no idea that what I may have been involved in was an elaborate scam.

Here are my findings on this company:
There are at least five (5) other websites, with three (3) different physical addresses, four (4) different phone numbers, and five (5) different contact e-mail addreses, all registered/owned by the same person, one Jeff Augugliaro ~ I found this out by some careful examination of the registration info from the whois lookups.

I will give you the information in the order that I had contact with each website:
Created Oct 24 Exp Oct 24
Registered to:
EAB Bldg
Garden City NY 11530
(888) 555-9878

The fact that there admin had an e-mail other than their website sparked some curiousity so I decided to check out that website. - website access is forbidden (meaning there is no page to display and/or it cannot be accessed by the general public) but I went ahead and did a whois lookup:
Created Feb 1 Exp Feb 1
Registered To: Jeff Augugliaro
Internet Executive
EAB Building Suite 2104
Garden City NY 11530
(516) 565- 0060 Fax same
tech contact:
192 Brixton Road South
Garden City NY 11530

Again, why is the tech contact listed at a website other than - this web address is redirected to (the oldest website I've found so far)
Created Sept 11 1998 Exp Sept 11
Registered To: Internet Executive
EAB Bldg Suite 2104 192 Brixton Road South
Garden City NY 11530
Administrative Contact:
Jeff Augugliaro
Internet Executive
EAB Bldg Ste 2104
Garden City South NY 11530

One would think that ends the loop as it started with and ended with it... But no, remember I also did a look up on Director Position and Support PHP (The American Cancer Aid Foundation)
Created March 14 Exp March 14
Organization: American Cancer Aid Foundation
Jeff Augugliaro
Franklin ave Plaza
1225 Franklin Ave Ste 235
Garden City NY 11530
(516) 512-8978
email: (which is the new website ever since the BBB did their expose on the company and is the website we are to refer people to in order to make "donations") ~ The newest website
Created Feb 6 Exp Feb 6
Organization: People Helping People
Jeff Augugliaro
734 Franklin Ave
PMB 685
Garden City NY 11530
(212) 555-1234 (obviously false)

Bingo ~ that is the exact same address as The Guest List. How can that possibly be? And why is the e-mail address @ Doesn't people helping people have it's own address? Actually, according to its website it does and so does director position.

My conclusion, this company is a scam, and if by some grace of God it is not... It's definitely trying to hide something. I do not mean to rebutt anything from another report in my own, but I will pull off of something that a Mr. Allan Parker had said in regards to another person's complaint with, and I quote "We don't have a whois so I don't know what phone number you are talking about. We handle support through email. And if you send us an email, you get a response."

I wonder if Allan Parker actually knows what he's talking about because if he truly believes that he "[doesn't] have a whois" he is sadly mistaken. Every registered website has a "whois" at very least with their registrar. I also conclude from his response that he is not this Jeff Augugliaro, because Mr. Augugliaro had some semblence of what he was doing. He has duped people with his numerous websites and he's duped innocent webmasters who are just starting out with "false" hits generated from a rerouter from Taiwan ~ but that strays from the subject of my complaint, if you paid for hits from, I sincerely suggest that you check out where those hits are "coming" from and create your own rip off report.

He obviously wanted to cover his tracks as all the phone numbers that the websites were registered with are false and the only address I know to be legitimate is The Guest List address (of course, so he can receive his money). I truly do feel bad for Mr. Parker if he is just a customer service employee because I'm sure he's unaware of the sham of a company he works for. Then again, he may very well be Mr. Augugliaro's less than educated sidekick who gets his cut without actually knowing how the whole things works. Then again, it could very well be Mr. Augugliaro playing dumb. Then again, Mr. Augugliaro's information could just be borrowed indefinitely from an ID theif and con artist.

In closing, I plan to report my findings to the Better Business Bureau, IFCC (The Internet Fraud Complaint Center ~ otherwise known as the internet FBI), The Garden City NY Police Department, The Postal Service (as the company committed mail fraud by accepting payment via the USPS, and mail fraud is a very serious offense) and a few other law enforcement agencies and a lawyer as I would like to file a class action suit against this ficticous company (s).

If you are or ever have been affiliated with, conned by, or dealing with any of the following companies or people: (American Cancer Aid Foundation) (People Helping People)
Jeff Augugliaro

Please contact me through the rebuttal I will give you instructions for filing your claims as well. If enough people react to this, the IFCC and the police department will be forced to take action, and if Mr. Parker's claim that "[Mass Marketing Program] has over 10,000 customers..." then it truly means there are far more people getting conned then I ever imagined. Just by the numbers that I know, this company probably has scammed more than a quarter million dollars from innocent people (based on the reports I read in eBay, my research online, and by Mr. Parker's own admission of 10,000 customers). This company needs to be stopped before he goes too far.

Again, please contact me with any information through the rebuttal and make sure that your contact info is correct so that I may further communicate with you if needed.

Miami, Florida

Company: AMCAF Jeff Augugliaro
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Garden City
Address: 734 Franklin Ave PMB 685
Phone: 5165128978
  <     >  


The Guest List Director AMCAF Jeff Augugliaro
The Guest List Jeff Aguguliaro Online Suveys Conned me out of Internet
The Guest List ripoff false promises

The Guest List -
The Guest List airline tickets, $1600, vouchers, $20, reservations, ripoff

The Guest List ( And 2 free plane tickets offer thru The Guest List ( Site isn't even valid Fake offe

Mass Marketing Program - The Guest List

Guest List
The con artist fake ripoff

The Guest List, Jeff Augugliaro
Report this to the IFCC

The Guest List

Travel Value Alerts - The Guest List
Ripoff, dishonest billing GARDEN CITY

The Guest List
Ripoff 6/7/04 sent $20 for tickets never heard back from company