Alyon Technologies
Ripoff Alyon Technologies, falsely charged $22.45 and harassing me with internet virus since feb. 2003 ripoff liars victimized us

Internet & Web

Illed me 02/06/03 for $22.45 claiming a 4 minute call I never made

02/04/03 22.47.36 premium web content-adutl 4. Rate 4.99 $19.96

02/04/03 credit-ld charge (201W0 4 min 0.10 $0.40 (current charges: 19.56
state & local $2.89
acount past due $22.45

Have been harassed with a virus coming on everytime I go on my internet showing alyon Technologies forcing it's way into my computer, disrupting, causing me to logoff and boot over.

I generally use close button but many times have to lose the connection.

This has been going on for 4 months.

They sent me a followup letter to inform me that my account is seriously past due.

"You are hereby notified that Alyon Technologies reserves the right to pursue this past due account and utilize all means legal and proper to ensure the past due amounts are recovered."

Accounts payable department
alyon technologies

Cannot get this demon virus out of my computer and it plays havoc every day when I have to logon and then logoff.

Have never made any such call for their services nor no of
any. Evidently it appears to be a pornographic site which I never used or are interested.


Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: P.O. Box 923299, Norcross, Ga. 30010-3299
Phone: 8002696356
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Alyon Technologies
Fraudulent ripoff business Sent me a bill for services rendered. I did not use their services

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff ripoff

Alyon Technologies

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon technologies incalyon technologies ripoff (censored)

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff (censored) Billing

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon Technologies ripoff fraud scam USA

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff (censored) billing identity theft consumer ripoff

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing ripoff

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff (censored) dishonest billing

Alyon Technologies