Scammers Marketing Practice Took my money then refused to refund

Internet & Web

I signed up for the "free" (ugh kick myself, i know better) trial. They said they would send it, so provide an address. Well, they don't send you anything. They "email" you inforamation. So that is the first misleading. Next I expected to find a website etc, they drop the bomb at this point and tell you it will be $39.95 per month. When you cancel on the website, it looks like you are actually cancelling, but low and behold the WORDING of the fine print states that you CAN cancel during your frial trial, or after the free trial be calling a certain phone number. So it looks like you only have to cancel through the phone number AFTER you are being billed, and that you can cancel another way during your free trial. If this was a legitimate business they would make it easy to cancel, and it would be more clear. When I called to get my credit, the man argued that this was not bad practices and that other companies gave me my money back because they were scared. No, other companies were being honorable and this "operator" was just as bad as all the other scammers out there with dishonorable intentions. Stealing money from people. They even tried to get me to stay with the company for $19.95 per month.
Don't use ILOVEPETS and warn people about ILOVEPETS.

Martin, Georgia

Company: Ilovepets.Biz
Country: USA
Phone: 8009313085
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My account was debited numerous times from this company without authorization, even after I asked them to stop

ADD Media, Inc. A "free" service telling you about setting up your own pet business

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