Splashspot.com - Razor Media
Splashspot wont pay out on a big win

Internet & Web

On June 1 I received an email stating I had won the monthly drawing. $1000!!! I was beyond thrilled. I am a single mother struggling to make ends meet and that check would have been so helpful.

A few weeks goes by and no check. They tell me I have to be a Gold member in good standing for 90 day. Ok. Did that. Another couple weeks and still no check.

I am then told that my info has been sent to the bookkeeper for the check to be issued and that checks are mailed the end of the following month after approval.

I check to make sure the status on My Account page has gone from pending to approved. It had. Then it went to shipped. Again, I'm excited. A few more weeks and no check.

In the months following I was given many different excuses... Let me check with the bookkeeper, oh I thought your check had been mailed... Delay, delay, delay.

Finally I ask for the bookkeepers phone number. I call and get Lindsey Verbage at Razor Media. She tells me the reason my check has not been mailed is that my account has been flagged as possible fraud. REDICULOUS!!!

That was a couple months ago. I have sent dozens of emails. Unanswered. Left countless voicemails. Unanswered.

It's been over a year and I still don't have that check.

I have won several of the smaller drawings...$3 bucks here, $6 bucks there to be used in their point store. They have no problem paying out the piddley amounts. And if they suspected me of fraud why were they letting me redeem the smaller prizes?

Company: Splashspot.com - Razor Media
Country: USA
Phone: 8775755585
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