Alyon Technologies
Fraudulent Connection And Billing In Utah rip-off company targets innocent community

Internet & Web

I like many others around the nation have been victomized by Alyon. I received a billing statement from a company (Alyon) informing me I owed them money. For what? Services, a product. On calling them I was shocked to find it was for a porno site.

The call they say was at 11:30 pm well after my wife and children had gone to bed. If it were my children who accessed the site, which they deny, How dare they allow subject them to hardcore pornography like some back alley smut peddler.

The computer is close to my bedroom however and it is unlikley it could be used without my knowledge. I have inquired of Alyon both by phone and e-mail and have had no response. I enjoy using the internet for mail and shopping but now feel uneasy about uninvited (censored) (Alyon) entering my home any time they choose to molest my family.

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: Po Box 923299 Norcross, GA 30010-3299
Phone: 8002696356
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