- Directmmo
Based in china, not seattle! Fraud scam artists! China

Internet & Web


I previously worked for this company. I need to mention somethings once and for all to clarify the truth about this company.

1. The company is based in China, not Seattle, Washington. The owner is from Signapore, but the company operations are in China. The customer service speaks decent english, but they are Asians with clean accents. The owner registered a mail forwarding address in downtown Seattle, and claims this is the address of the business. The business is NOT registered in the United States, and is solely based in China. Though they claim on their site they are from Seattle, they are not.

2. All the accounts they have are stolen accounts. The accounts you purchase that are supposedly made by them, they use trojan viruses, hack peoples PC, obtain accounts, transfer them off. You're buying stolen accounts from them. The remaining accounts are seen in #3.

3. They are not 100% secure. Actually they are 100% risky. The accounts that are not stolen, they bot level them up to 80, and then sell them. A group of chinese farmers with chinese IP (s) level an account and then sell it to you. Not only is that risky, but as soon as it is delivered to you, there is up to a 50% chance it will be suspended or banned. How secure is that?

4. The owner is a horrible business man. He jokes around about things constantly, and in my opinion if you all saw what he says you would be disgusted by this company. needs to change it's policies to

1.100% Not Secure Accounts
2. Based in China
3. We Lie To Our Customers

This is the most dangerous site to buy from, and I urge you all to look elsewhere when purchasing from

Company: - Directmmo
Country: China, People's Republic of
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