Charles Johnson, HMJI, GTISupport
Charles Johnson Aka HMJI, GTISupport HMJI falsely accusing their employees of breaking and entering, stealing property and money

Internet & Web

HMJI wrote a report about me stating that I stole the owners computer, stole his money, broke in to city and county offices, etc. Where are the police reports?

Pretty tough to do since I am not aware of the location of this business... It's either CO, NY or FL.??? And I do not live anywhere near those areas.

I was an employee and I quit because I wasn't getting paid. HMJI wrote this blog the day I quit. The owner threatened to put a lien against my home for 50,000.00 for breach of contract because I and other employees were discussing the fact that we weren't getting paid. I am an elected official and I warned the owner that it was a class 6 federal offense to threaten me but that did not stop them.

This could all be taken care of if HMJI would own up to the lies they have placed about me on this site.

Company: Charles Johnson, HMJI, GTISupport
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Aurora
Address: 1250 S Buckley Rd Ste 203
Phone: 7012527839
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Charles Adam Johnson Aurora, CO HMJI, TheREPro
Charles Johnson Help persue criminal charges against this person and his associates contact me

Charles Johnson - GTI Support - HMJI
Non payment for services rendered, threatening to sue me for no reason

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Cheated us and stole our work

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