Google Chest
Charged my account instead of refunding me!

Internet & Web

*notice..!! This ripoff has nothing to do with Google search engine - many rip-off businesses use the Google name to fool consumers.

On 5/21/09 Google Chest charged my account for $. 58 and $72.21. I didn't know what the charges were for. I called the telephone number and told them that I wanted to cancel whatever it was that I supposedly ordered. No problem.

This morning I was checking my account out and found out that on the same day that I called to cancel this subscription they again charged my account the exact same amounts. When I called to talk to them about it I was told that I was refunded. I told the non English as a first language person that I was not refunded that I was charged again she told me that I would have to write a letter, then gave me an address.

This is bull crap. This money needs to be applied back into my account. What a bunch of scam artists. I am going to try again to see if I could talk to someone that English is their first language.

Company: Google Chest
Country: USA
State: Wyoming
City: Jackson
Address: 970 W Broadway St, E347
Phone: 8882561248
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Google Treasure Chest

Google Treasure Chest
Fraudulent Charges

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Google Treasure Chest
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