They charge $9.99 to your phone if you tex them. Florence (Italy) Internet

Internet & Web

I play a game on myspace. Yoville, On this game there is a way to buy yocash by phone. I tryed to purchase 50 yocash for $9.99. I have done this from another place and I thought I would try this place called Paymo. I went step by step and waited on my text message. I received text saying "text yes to 35436" I did this and received no further message. This happened April 15th. I have not received any thing from them. This message also said " text STOP to 35436 to stop this app." I texted stop and message said that it had been stoped. Today May 27th, I looked at my mobile phone bill and saw that I was still being charged. 15 cents per day. Something they call SMS charge. They also charged me the $9.99 twice. Its used up all my phone credit. I have Virgin Mobile, so I have to buy phone cards. I just put $50.00 on my phone last week and now its gone because of them. Please tell me there is something that can be done. I've tried to contact them, But the link doesn't work. And the phone # for them is bogus too. Please Help... I have phone records for all this..

Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 18772254962
  <     >  


Consumer Report

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Shaboom Media a/k/a Mobile Media
Consumer Report

Virgin Mobile
Text Message Package Phoney

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Consumer Report

Predicto Mobile
Scammed me into paying $9.99 per month on my Sprint cell phone bill
Being charged $9.99 per month on my Tmobile bill for 2 bill cycles as of 10/24/07 Internet

Received Text Message On 12005/12 @ 10:46 AM That I Finished In 7th
Consumer Report