Universal Finders UniversalFinders.com UniversalFindersinc.com Mark Gallardo
Email marketing list services

Internet & Web

This complaint is a warning to all! Mark asked on April 2 that I give him 7 weeks to pay the balance he owes me. 7 weeks is up and I did not receive 1 cent on the balance he has owed me for months.

Mark Gallardo of Universal Finder (aka UniversalFinders.com, UniversalFindersinc.com) has owed me over $300 for services rendered since December. I have given him plenty of time and made several requests for him to pay the balance owed for work completed that he billed his clients for upfront and received which he stated he was going to pay. Even after he had a balance that he owed to me, I did a couple of small projects for him in January which I regret doing now because it only added to the balance he owes me. I had good faith in him that he would eventually pay the bill and I have been duped, lied to and threatened if I file this report by the one and only Mark Gallardo.in retaliation, I can almost assure everyone reading this, he WILL post a false ripoff report about me as he mentioned in one of the emails me sent me that is posted below.

I am a freelance designer and I worked from home for Mark for 2 years and everything was good between us until he decided he didn't want to pay me for a web site that I invested almost 6 hours into that he couldn't close the deal on back in November and that is when it all went downhill. He expected me to not charge him a penny for my time and in all honesty, I only billed him for half the time spent on it. He also forgot that there were multiple pdf's and a postcard designed for the client. I have other paying clients I could have spent those 6 hours working for. Rather than Mark actually talking to me about the situation, he goes and complains to others in our industry that I have the nerve to charge him for it.

When it came to the invoice, Mark would tell me that he would pay the balance over and over again (see emails included) and it never happened. I designed I would say at least 80% of the creatives (if not more) that he required for email campaigns. My rates were always fair and my turnaround time was less than 24 hours.

Mark's favorite (and overused) excuse when something doesn't get done is that his kids are sick, in the hospital or hurt. I can't begin to tell you how many times he has used this excuse on me and everyone else when he either forgets, refuses or neglects to do something. Between a few of us service providers who have worked with him, this is a one big joke between us now.

What Mark also fails to remember is that I spent countless hours setting up emails, servers, sitting in on conference calls with his clients going over projects which I never charged him for. I can't even begin to count how many hours I could have billed him for the mentioned services.

Let this complaint be a warning to any and all service providers and clients that Mark Gallardo works with and deals with. He is unstable, untrustworthy and the furthest thing from professional as you can read for yourself in the copies of the emails he sent to me once I told him I was going to post on usacomplaints.com.

If he did this to me, chances are he WILL do this to you. There are tons of other email marketing companies out there that do business the right way. If you choose Mark and his company... Don't be shocked when you're as pissed as I am at him when he rips you off.

I have nothing to hide and wanted to provide proof so I have included copies of emails from Mark Gallardo regarding payment and also copies of my emails to him demanding payment. As you can see for yourself, after I requested he pay he promised over and over again he would. Last email I received was May 5th when he stated he was going to pay up. He never paid.

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Tuesday, February 17 11:31 AM
Subject: maarit very sorry I am at your bank and putting money in now.

Original Message
From: 'Maarit'
Sent: Tuesday, February 24 10:19 AM
To: Mark Gallardo


What is going on with you? I need some sort of answer from you.

You told me for the past 7 weeks that you would pay the balance and still nothing has hit my account. Then I get word a few weeks ago that you are now looking for someone else to do creatives for you? I don't get it? Is it that you don't want to pay me or you have convinced yourself that you don't owe me for the work I did.

I NEVER thought in a million years when several people told me that you have a tendency to refuse to pay people for work that you would do it to me.

Do you have any idea how hurt I am that you for whatever reason decided that I shouldn't be paid?

At this point you have until Friday to pay me for everything you owe me. If it's not in my account or I don't have it in my hand, I'm sorry but I can't do anymore work for you. It's insulting and quite honestly, I had a funny feeling a few months ago that you were going to sabotage our relationship just like you have with everyone else. I just didn't want to believe it. Two years of working together and this is how it ends...

I'm sorry, but whatever you're going through... It's not my problem. You need to pay your balance which includes the $19 for the additional work I did for MMBINC even after I went weeks without getting paid because I gave you the benefit of doubt..


Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Tuesday, February 24 11:39 AM
Subject: RE:?

Maarit I ran into some problems with banking crap just got the banks to clear money that came from Paris they held it for 12 days it was supposed to clear this week and they are finally clearing check I will get your money to you next few days. I am very embarrassed please give me till Friday or Monday. Marrit I will not let you down. I will pay this very soon and have more Business for you.

Original Message
From: 'Maarit'
Date: Tue, March 24 11:43 pm
To: Mark Gallardo

Well I sat back and waited for you to do the right thing.

This is my last email and I'm giving until Monday to pay up. I've been more than fair. Please don't call, because I will not answer. You have my address, mail me a check or money order.

If I don't have payment by Tuesday morning of next week, I am going to post the following on Usa Consumer Complaints.com.

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Wednesday, March 25 7:53 AM
Subject: RE:...

And I will put you on there to

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Wednesday, March 25 7:56 AM
Subject: RE:...

Maarit I will send you somthing in the next week or two

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Wednesday, March 25 7:58 AM
Subject: RE:...

Maarit lets stop this. You were good to me I will pay you. After I went thru the billing my records indicate the I had at least a $200 credit after that was my problem. I will pay you

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Wednesday, March 25 8:06 AM
Subject: RE:...

Maarit please do not threaten me I am not that person. I fire back 3 times as hard as easy as it is to do somrhing to me I will do worse back. I will pay you

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Wednesday, March 25 8:37 AM
Subject: RE:...

Marrit Ok lets bring it

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Wednesday, March 25 8:38 AM
Subject: RE:...

Marrit I will pay you I will send somthing next week

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Wednesday, March 25 8:43 AM
Subject: RE:...

Maarit if you do anthy bullsh*tv to my company you will see me at your door step

Original Message
From: 'Maarit'
Sent: Thursday, March 26 2:46 AM
To: Mark Gallardo
Subject: Re:...

Mark, the ball has been in your court for months. And why in the world would you wait until now to bring up the $200 discrepency? If it was such a big deal, you should of brought it up in January when I sent you the invoice so we can look it over and figure it out. You just kept telling me. I'm going to the bank, I'm going to the bank, I'll take care of next week, tomorrow, in 2 weeks. If you were in my shoes, wouldn't you be a little pissed?

Send me your "records" I'll compare them to mine and I'll let you know whether I agree or not.

After the batch of emails you sent today, I don't know what to think of you. All I can say is... With or without that $200, you still owe me.

I'm not going to forget your threats of coming to my house and what you said. Your emails speak volumes about you Mark. And if you really cared about our working relationship, you wouldn't threaten to come to my house after you're the one who owes me money. I don't owe you anything.

If you want to show up. I guess we'll see what happens. Take that as a warning if you want to play the tough guy.

If you want to be civil. Well you should know I am capable of that. But don't EVER threaten me Mark when you're the one who is wrong.

And last but not least. Don't bitch to Jeremy about me. He's on my side when it comes to this. He knows what I've done for you and how you always make excuses when it comes time to pay up. Apparently you've owed him money for a while for leads and give him the same excuses you give me..

Sorry to be so blunt, but the emails you sent today have thrown every ounce of respect I had for you out the window.

You have 2 weeks (as you asked for). Send me your records, I'll make changes to the invoice if I agree with you and if not I'll let you know.

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Thursday, March 26 9:52 AM
Subject: RE:...

Maarit I will pay you the Money look Jeremy did things to me I did things to him He talks about you all the time. It does not matter. I will pay you. Maarit you worked hard for me and did a great job I will put money in there early next week Just having tough Time. I know you are and every body else is having tough time. I will put some money in there next.

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Thursday, March 26 10:33 AM
Subject: RE:...

Maarit the only reason I threaten you is because you threaten me and said you where going to report my company to the Rip off site. I respect You Maarit you are a good person and have integrity. I am sorry about all this. I will take care of the Bill just let me make payments.

Original Message
From: 'Maarit'
Sent: Thursday, April 02 1:44 AM
To: Mark Gallardo
Subject: 04/02 - Updated Invoice


Attached is an updated invoice that includes the revisions to the MMB web site. It shows the total balance owed. I hope that you do what you said you would and have it paid by next Tuesday. You can either send a check or a money order.


Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Thursday, April 02 9:30 AM
Subject: RE: 04/02 - Updated Invoice

Maarit I will send some money next week at least $50 I can send something every week not sure exactly what but will send something can you please send the breakdown again if you have it.

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Thursday, April 02 12:29 PM
Subject: RE: 04/02 - Updated Invoice

I can not commit to every week I will make sure its paid in 7 weeks its the same amount of time. I should be able to pay it of before if not 7 weeks.

Original Message
From: Mark Gallardo
To: 'Maarit'
Sent: Tuesday, May 05 2:07 PM
Subject: Maarit please send mailing address or I can put the money in your account

Company: Universal Finders UniversalFinders.com UniversalFindersinc.com Mark Gallardo
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: 4800 N Federal Hwy, Ste. 204D
Phone: 5616202988
  <     >  


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