National Geographic Maps
Beware, bad software bundled with Magellan GPS at Walmart

Internet & Web

National Geographic Maps is bundling their software with Magellan GPS sold at Walmart. This may look like a good deal, but you will be suprised. First, if you run it in windows vista, you must have high-end computer know how to make it work. Second, if you get far enough, you may get past the random software glitches like freezing. Finally, if you have made it past all that, you can download a map for a price. But wait, you have a map but it's blank! So you look for support and call customer service. A pre-recorded message tells you to post you issue on thier forum. When you get the forum you see thousands of posts with the same problem, but no solutions, just an adminstrative cloak-and-dagger comment; "someone will contact you". But wait, there's more! Many of the post are paying customers saying that they still have not been contacted by support. Its a circle that goes around and around. Go look for your self, it costs nothing to sign-up at and you can look at all paying individuals using word I cannot post here.

Company: National Geographic Maps
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Evergreen
Address: 212 Beaver Brook Canyon Rd
Phone: 8009621643
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Online Maps Not Available - Don't buy Magellan GPS!

Magellan GPS
Sells units with outdated maps

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Magellan GPS
Sells outdated maps as the latest maps and then uses fact to try to upgrade device

Magellan GPS
Worst Customer Service in the Known Universe

Perpetrators of consumer fraud
Poor product and customer service

Magellan GPS
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