Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized Charge

Internet & Web

I was charged $72.21 on my credit card statement without authorization. I expect immediate reimbursement to my credit card and demand no further charges be assessed.

If I do not receive an immediate credit to my credit card and if you do not cease and desist any further charges, I will report this to the Better Business Bureau in your immediate area and send a letter of complaint to the Utah Attorney General asking for a full investigation of your fraudelent actions.

I expect a satisfactory reply to my email address: or dlwaller@gmail. Con

Dwayne Waller


Company: Google Treasure Chest
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Sandy
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Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charges

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charges

Google Treasure Chest
Fraudulant charges on my check card visa/unauthorized charges, search goggle treasure chest see hundreds of the same charges

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charge

Google Treasure Chest
Scam, Rip off, cheats, liars, &%

Money Tree
Illegal charge to my credit card

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charges on my credit card

Google Treasure Chest
Unathourized credit charge

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized Charges Utah

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized Charges