Robert Landahl - RightClick_Computers
Posted false information on his sister Lori Landahl with intent to defame and damage reputation

Internet & Web

Robert Landahl, RightClick_ComputRobert Landahl, RightClick_Computers Owner Robert Landahl posted false report on me causing damage to reputation and rejection from possible employers. Battleground Washington

Dead beat, so called business owner Robert Landahl, wants respect for his computer business however he posts a COMPLETE LIE on Rip off report about me causing irrepairable damage to my reputation and internet exposure to prospective employers who may look at it and decide not to hire me. He posted that I steal items and then sale them on Craig's List. This is a complete lie as I do not steal items and then post them on Craig's List. He went on from there stating that I do Meth and sell it as well, all complete lies. He also posted personal things about me that contained lies that are all damaging to my reputation, such as posting my warrant information and even stating an outright lie that I have a Meth Lab in my apartment!

So he doesn't want any negatives concerning his precious business but has no qualms about damaging somebody else's reputation and causing serious damage and possible rejection for future employment. Many employers Google their prospective employees looking for information on them and stuff like he posted on me makes a person look bad in the eyes of the employer which most likely will make them not look at me any further.

So, with all that said and done I'm not posting or stating any FACTS here, only SUGGESTIONS, and that is before calling on his services it would be advisable to check and see about his business license or any exceptions and why he would have exceptions for not having a license. Also IF he claims that he has certifications, degrees, and experience to qualify him for diagnosing, repairing and building computers, it would again be advisable to check and see if in fact he does hold any of the aforementioned qualifications. He claims to have 15 years experience in the business as well. So check because otherwise as they say, use at your own risk. Anther important thing to mention here is that he in the past has been known to use heavy doses of prescription pain killers. Not positive if he still does that but the likelyhood of this is HIGH. Now I'm not posting FALSE statements here, only that is it suspect and that these things could be true and this is just a warning to check it out first. Oh, and good luck having a conversation with him, that is unless you enjoy having a completely one sided conversation and don't mind not being able to get a word in edgewise.

Someone might want to tell him too that it doesn't look too good for a business owner to bad mouth another citizen who also needs to make a living. Would anyone honestly trust a person who would do this harmful of a thing to someone who's seeking employment? May the people be the judge here. Anyone can look up the false reports he made on me at: lori landahl.

Hypocrite catcher

Ogreland, Oregon

Company: Robert Landahl - RightClick_Computers
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Battleground
Address: 2607 NW 11th St
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Robert Landahl RightClick_Computers
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