Wade Kuhnle
Darren & mike are 2 face rip off arties of infinite income plan rip off!

Internet & Web

DARREN SALKED & MIKE ANTONI I have been with them sence 1st. Of oct. They said at everboby was making 3k to 18k I sent out 2 1000 post card mailer at 650.00 per I would call them 4 to 5 time a week asking for help So there sold me this marketing book call Traffic Blitz for 536.00

When I call them and e-mail them & call them To find out to use it no one got help me so there is my paper wieght. I went on there live webinar tried to ask for some help he blew me off. There told me to wrote blogs.
But it is hard to write about some thing you do not fill good about.

So stay has far way from infinite income or GRN plan Oh plus you have to pay 197.00 a mo for zoomica & 49.99 for hosting and you use it to buy more of there no good marketing deals I you do not have it you lose. 3100.00 dollars it 3k to join and 100.00 for I do not know!

So If someone calls you hang up or e-mail you delete it has fast as you can! They Like to hear then selfs talk. You Can not talk to them so even though when you sign up there say there would answer your questions. So I spend about 5k and have not made a dime. So if you want to give away 5k give to me or help some people in need like me because I lost 5k that I did not have!!! Thanks

Company: Wade Kuhnle
Country: USA
State: California
City: Nipomo
Address: 1595 Via Alta Mesa
Phone: 8053459929
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Instantincomeplan Instantinfintyplan Darren Salked
Big scam beware public this is fake promesses this is pyramidal

Darren Salkeld - Instant Income Plan
Big Scam!

Strategic Marketing, StrategicMarketingus.com Darren Paulson
Www.StrategicMarketingus.com & Darren Paulson StrategicMarketingUS.com is a complete SCAM!

Strategic Marketing - Darren Paulson
NO response No delivery, took the money and ran

Bank of America - Credit Card Holder Security Plan
I payed 79 dollars for nothing!

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E Merchant Team
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Strategicmaketingus.com Scammed us too!

Mike Davis At Internet Marketing Solutions
Ripped off this disabled veteran out of $500.00, He will not get back to you just voice mail. I can't afford to lose even $500.00 Cape Coral Florida

Continental Warranty — MCG Enterprises — Mepco
PUSH SALES and Keep non-stop Calling