Gaia Online - Gaia Interactive
Banning without proof, and refusing to refund money!

Internet & Web

I was a new member of the Gaia online community. I joined to help my fiancee, a 5 year member, acquire items for her digital avatar. The easiest way to do this was a game similar to blackjack.

I just got back from 25 months in the Peace Corps, and am VERY behind on my television programming from the past two years. So I would turn on tv, play cards for LONG stretches of time, to enjoy my time back. (I'm also not working full time).

When I started getting into the site, I bought a five dollar gift card, and gave a digital outfit to my fiancee and had $2.50 remaining in my account. One day I came home from substitute teaching to find the notice in my e-mail that I had been permanently banned for botting. After some research, I found that because of the frequency I played cards, and how much I won... They just assumed I was a computer program and blocked my account with actual money in it. On top of it, they blocked my fiancee's account from 'profitting' from my alleged botting. She had over five hundred dollars worth invested in her digital inventory.

This is flagrant abuse of a contract. I gave money, and was given a place to use it. To have the space revoked for 'suspicion of cheating' (Because I was winning and playing alot), seems like I should get my money back, as should my fiance. There is no proof that I cheated... Because I didn't cheat! If they don't want you winning, or playing for long periods of time they should say "hey, you can only play for 1 hour... Or we will ban you for cheating", or, better yet, create a time limit for the game or a maximum win amount per day.

When researching in Gaia's own forum's, this has happened to SEVERAL people and they just write off their lost items, and start all over again. Without the burden of proof, and their exist easy systems to acquire proof, Gaia should not be able to STEAL your money.

Company: Gaia Online - Gaia Interactive
Country: USA
State: California
City: Milpitas
Address: PMB 414, 105 Serra Way
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Gaia Online, Gaia Interactive Inc
Gaia Online can, and will ban you with little or no explanation, regardless of loyalty or contributions. Milpitas
They banned my page for winning at the arenas

Gaia Interactive
Takes your money then terminates your account without due cause or reason, claiming breach of terms which never happened, and refuse to pursue investigation

Gaia Online, Gaia Interactive Inc
Accounts Banned Terminated Without Cash Refunds for Unfounded/Unrelated Reasons

Gaia Online

Gaia Online -
Unlawful Banning & Stealing the payment

Global Alliance For International Advancement
Rip off, confidence tricksters, claim that name provided to GAIA by a professional institution

Jiandan Int'l Network Sales Co Ltd
Well get you banned/suspended on Gaia! Waste of money, wont respond on customer chat! Stay away! Comlumbia south carolina
Anned my account

Gaia Online, Gaia Interactive Inc
Gaia Online banned, scammers, selfish, biased, scam, online games