Alyon Technologies
Ripoff, deceptive, dishonest billing, exposed young grandson to porn filth dirty ripoff (censored) screwed others too

Internet & Web

The site was discovered by visiting 15-year-old grandson. I investigated and found out the kind of filthy porn they carry. There is no warning as to the cost of connecting. My investigation disclosed that this is a blatantly (censored) and criminal operation that invades computers and extorts charges that have not been explained or accepted by the consumer, let alone a young and vulnerable user. I also found out that complaints have been logged on by the thousands with federal and state authorities, and that these people use aggresive and offensive methods to collect. I plan to pursue all possible avenues and means to see them stopped and penalized. I find it dificcult to understand why the proper authorities have not already stepped in and done this.

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: P.O. Box 923299
Phone: 8003790239
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