Kevin Preusse - Kevin Patrick Preusse
NO EXCUSE Portland

Internet & Web

I really did not want to have to write all this or have anything to do with this person, as I have a real, honest job and a life and not much time to sit on the computer all day in virtual reality. But I am writing this because I actually care about others, and if this will help save someone else from getting ripped off then it is worth my time and effort.

I met Kevin on Craigslist Portland, Oregon site four years ago to the day. He said he was here on the west coast trying to sell his movie script Shaman Blue. I invested $2500.00 into Preusse Productions, a company he was starting up online. Sometimes we would go out, and he would try to hype people up, also trying to get them to invest in his talent agency. He gave me a signed promissory note to repay on July 20th with interest. Well, supposedly the company got sucked out from under him by his website designer and lost all his money. Right after that I never heard a word from him again and not a cent from him.

Kevin said I was the girl he fell in love with, and I thought he really cared for me. Just recently, I received a text stating that he did not scam me but merely failed me, but I say spare me the drama. Kevin claims he had good intentions, and if I'm wrong then prove it~pay me. He sure has a funny way of showing respect or love. I mean, if he really cared about me then he would have found a way to pay me back by now. He's had 4 years, and I have been very patient and have not posted a thing about him until now. At least he could have made some small attempt to contact me, but he did nothing and made no arrangements to pay me.

A few weeks ago, I heard even more promises of paying me and that he just landed "a MULTI-MILLION dollar deal and is paying people back" all this money he owed them and promised to call me on Tuesday. He never did and used the excuse that he had a bad flu. And on his MySpace page, he even claims to make $250k a year. Will someone please tell me how hard it is to put a check in an envelope and send me my small change, as he would refer to it. Sick or not, how much energy does it take to do this?

So yes, he may have gotten away with stealing my money, as well as others I've spoken tocongratulations Kevinbut ultimately he has God to answer to:
The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously; but the Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their day is coming.
Psalm 37:21,13.

Kevin will say whatever it takes to get what he wants and is very insistent. Any posts from his so called agents, lawyers or legal team is all a shamit's just him posing as them. Heck, he's his own committee! I mean seriously, it takes money to pay these people, and if he can't even pay people like me then how do you suppose he'd pay people like them? The answer is obvious. Please be advised this is as real as it gets. Never EVER under any circumstances give this person money for ANYTHING. You will not receive what you paid for (service/product, etc.), yet he will happily take your money, and you will never see it again.

Don't be fooled by the smooth, courteous talk he uses itherit is all part of his game. He's already duped some of the smartest of us, by playing on emotions.
He has a myriad of scams goings on all across the internet, using big names in the industry and claiming to be people who he is not. But have you seen him on TV, heard him on the radio—anywhere? All I've ever seen him in is a movie called Trapped: Buried Alive in which he played a small part, and the film was a flop. Do the research for yourself, as I and a lot of others have. Here are a couple of places to start: site and Alien Earth website in the Dec and Jan 09 blogs:

When he reads this, I'm sure he will retort with the usual threats to counter-sue me or bring immediate and harsh legal action against me, but I don't care because I know I am not a liar. Kevin thinks he can bully and badger people into not posting the truth about him on the Web, but that is apparently NOT happening. He uses his words as weapons and his style of writing, fictional, goes right along with his character. Isn't it weird how he tries to sue people and bad mouth them, yet HE is the one doing the crime? Don't be misled by this faade.

It is time to shed light on the darkness, force the rat out of his hole and let the TRUTH be known. I certainly have no time to sit around and make stuff like this up. But I hope that I may spare the next victim of fraud. So please don't be fooled like I and others have been. One reason I do not like the internet is that people can lie and be any fantastic person they want on here. Oh and by the way, I am not afraid to say who I am~

Oregon City, Oregon

Company: Kevin Preusse - Kevin Patrick Preusse
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Sherwood
Address: 21798 SW Sherwood Blvd. #110
Phone: 5038565702
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Kevin Preusse - Kevin Patrick Preusse
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