Alyon Tech
Ripoff fraudulent pieces of dirt, ripoff business from hell

Internet & Web

This company, or whatever you choose to call it, is disgusting. It charged my barely making it mother 160 dollars for a nine hundred information number! We just got the bill today, and after looking into it I realized we were not the only ones. It came with our telephone bill, and it makes me sick to my stomach. Who has that kind of money to be throwing around! If you have this problem, fight it, don't pay it! I hope the people involved with this get caught big time, and do serious time in jail, because it is simply disgusting what they do.

Company: Alyon Tech
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: PO Box 923299
Phone: 8003790239
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Alyon Tech
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Alyon Tech
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Alyon Tech
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing deceptive company

Alyon Technologies
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Alyon Tech
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Alyon Technologies
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