, artspace-galleries. fr And Lucy Grey, artspace-galleries. Fr And The Girl Named Lucy Grey Stay away from this person and her business Mayfai

Internet & Web

Don't trust this person named Lucy Grey and her art gallery business named www.artspace-galleries. Fr,, this person has cheated me by not paying my hard earned money, i have done SEO/SEM for her sites including the maintenance of her site by adding new content and photos, initially we have agreed for 100 USD as her budget was that much, and she committed to pay me 100USD at the month end..

So i continued the job, after right one month when i asked her for my payment, she ignored and didn't pay me my hard earned money, instead she kept ignoring me and never answered my emails, after waiting for several days when I decided to let other people know what she has done to me, before posting this post i have wrote more than 10 emails asking her to make my payment and move on. But she is never bothered to do that rather she was trying not to pay me for the 1 month's work what i did for her..

So at last i didn't had any other way to get my money back, i hope by this way at least other people will know about her and her business. Guys please don't ever trust this person named Lucy Grey and her business, www.artspace-galleries. Fr. These guys are very smart they will use you for developing or fixing their site and never gonna pay you. Stay away for these cheater, and when ever such guys will come to you just ask for the money upfront, one thing is for sure. You will never get that and in that case they will just ignore you and move on to another victim who is out there a person like me, to steal them. Just stay away from these guys Lucy Grey and her www.artspace-galleries. Fr,

If any of you wants to see the proof, i have all the emails which I got from her with me. I will post it online here. Let me know..



Company:, artspace-galleries. fr And Lucy Grey
Country: France
State: Gallery 66
City: 78 Avenue De Suffren
Address: 18 Maddox Street, Mayfair, London, W1S 1PL
Phone: 44020799327
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