Fatcow.com - Fatcow Inc - fatcow-webhosting.com
Fatcow.com - Fatcow Inc Deceptive Advertising and Practices fatcow-webhosting.com

Internet & Web

Www.fatcow.com advertises free 30-day money back guaranteed trials for web hosting providing several plans that consumers may build their own websites. However, the tools where very complicated and not user-friendly at all; therefore, I was unable to build the site and called the support and sales team and requested cancellation within 4 hours time.

Upon receiving an email confirmation stating that my account and all files associated with the account were deleted and no charges would be processed, the next day charges were being processed to my credit card.

Company: Fatcow.com - Fatcow Inc - fatcow-webhosting.com
Country: USA
Site: www.fatcow.com
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Consumer Report

Fatcow.com - Fatcow Inc - fatcow-webhosting.com
Tucows, INC Deceptive Advertising, Poor Business Practices

Fatcow.com - Fatcow Inc - fatcow-webhosting.com
Ripoff Theft of Funds From Checking account

They advertise money back guarantee but that is not ture. Also they charged me double the amount they advertised


Consumer Report

Fatcowm Seo
Endurance Group, I Power BEWARE! Do not purchase SEO services from FATCOW! Warning! They sabotaged my organic rankings, they use Google hated phony backlinks. No customer service, Pirates

$1500 stolen due to FatCow

Fatcow.com - Fatcow Inc - fatcow-webhosting.com False advertising diskspace, bandwidth and deceptive marketing

Partial Refund After Hassling