Silberman's Army & Navy
One of the Worst Internet Shopping Experiences Eve

Internet & Web

One of the worst experiences I've ever had with online shopping. I was trying to purchase some white bucks for my son to wear for Easter Sunday. My order was placed on a Sunday and it was accepted with no issues. I even received a confirmation email.

Monday I received another email stating that my card was declined. This was surprising to me as the limit on the card is well over a thousand times the cost of teh shoes and is paid off every single month. I called my bank who said it was not declined, it had gone through.

I phoned the merchant who told me they would get on it and get back to me ASAP. After nothing I called the next day. Still hadn't done anything, promised they would ASAP. Gave them two days and still nothing.

Called and spoke with first customer service agent who told me to hold on as soon as she answered the phone. When she said "Go ahead" I told her what had happened. After almost two minutes of silence, I said "hello?" she said "Yes. Go ahead sir." I said "I just told you everything. You weren't listening???" Before she could respond, I told her to give me a supervisor, I'd had enough.

Supervisor could care les about level of customer service. Didn't even address the issue. Then he said that while Citibank had accepted charge, "their" system would not which is just ludicrous. What merchant doesn't accept a credit card that was paid by the bank and that they themselves had confirmed at the time of purchase?

Then he told me that my money was not really charged to card and bank must be lying. Confirmed with Citi that the charge did go through but they are backing me up and restoring the charge to my account. Never again will I deal with this merchant. At best, they are incompetent and at worst, thieves. Honestly, after reading the review here and the similar ones at I'm leaning towards the latter.

Company: Silberman's Army & Navy
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Bronx
Address: 1847 Westchester Avenue
Phone: 8775813929
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