Volition Thought House
Selling recorded classical music - $90 for 3 cd's - no guarantee of satisfaction

Internet & Web

I sampled music on Volition's website and ordered three CD's for $89.99. Very expensive, but the music was original and unique just like the sample, and I loved it. A short time later I ordered another set. This time I received nothing but classical music, music I already had on other CD's, nothing original.

I immediately asked for a return and refund. They refused. They would offer nothing at first, then $40, then a full exchange for more of their music. But there was no other music of theirs that I wanted at that price.

To date, they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge my dissatisfaction or refund my money. I have only listened to a few minutes of the first CD and will never use the music I have.

They claimed that I agreed to a no-return policy, but in actuality, this provision was never shown to me. They had pre-checked the box where I would have agreed or not so that the order went through without my ever being aware that they offered no assurance of satisfaction whatsoever.

I have compared their sneaky method with other sites where music can be downloaded, and on other sites there is a large bold statement to which one must agree. On theirs it is hidden and pre-checked for you so that you are very likely to overlook it.

I feel this company is run by crooks who want to charge exorbitant amounts of money and don't care whether they keep repeat customers or not because they make such huge profits on just one or two sales.

Company: Volition Thought House
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 1133 Browadway, Suite 706
Phone: 8883172423
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