Found suspicious charge on AE bill of $29.95 - Cologne

Internet & Web

Found a charge for @29.95 on my AE statement. Only had the company name of element5info to go on. When I put this out on the internet I found this site and also the first rip-off tale. Luckily for me the person had already done some digging and found a valid phone number 8004064966, I called and found out that this company is one that I purchased Registry mechanic from last year and this was an "auto" renewal charge. I hate this type of crap. I told the person that I no longer want to use the product and further that if they actually want to keep customers that they might want to give a clue on the charge information of what a person is being charged for. Ie: registry mechanic software! Duh! Anyway i will keep a sharp eye on the refund to my credit card. This company is legit though

Company: Element5
Country: Germany
Site: element5info.com
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DRI ELEMENT5 INFO ELEMENT5 INFODE, Valid charge in bogus in 2008