Alyon Technologies
Fraudulent rip-off business

Internet & Web

For starters, I recieved a bill from Alyon Technologies for $36.50 from 2-14-03, in which myself and my children were over 200 miles away for a family death. And how they got my name, phone number and address is beyond me. I do not even get any adult web stuff on my email at all. However, they send my boyfriend crap like that and he deletes it right off right away.

So, i am not even exactly sure how this whole thing got started. All I know is that I am not paying it. They also put a charge on my phone bill to Union City, NJ for 58 cents and the other for 17 cents. I turned it into my phone company and they took it off my bill.

I have written my dispute letter in writing, contacted the My internet provider told me about rip off report so here I am. Trying to figure out what actually happened and how can I protect myself from this ever happening again. They threatened to put it on my credit, and I wrote and told them if they did that I will go the legal route. Because I do not support this kind of crap.

And it made me mad that they can just use your name, number and address and send a bill out. And I have never been to their site, nor do i get any junk mail from them.

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: P.o. Box 923299
Phone: 8002696356
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Alyon Technologies
Beware of fraudulent billings! Many others have been hurt too! Norcross