Aka Aka Massive Media TV
Rip-off fraud Internet Various

Internet & Web

I incidentally noticed while looking over my credit card statement a charge listed for approximately $23.87 from 8008978063 LOD (This number is actually the 1-800 number to the Agency Monterstar which facades as a Customer Service Site for the Internet.) 1-800-897-8063.

At first I called my Credit Card company thinking at first this was the abbreviation for Of course they told me to call inwhich I did only to be told this was actually and not affiliated with them. They did supply me with the number which was right under my nose all the time.

I tried calling the number and was put on hold for some time. Which I stuck it out, finally getting a represented who request my account number which I only gave to her after she insisted it would be the only way she could help me. She verified my username and password which was correct and said I had signed up for services for the Internet site " Massive Media TV" After explaining I had no recognition of this, she said it may have been a pop-up ad stating I had been pre-approved for this service from this site, but could not tell me or explain what service it was.

I told her regardless it either wasn't me who entered the info or it had been fraudulently gotten by other means. She said she would have to report it to thier Fraud dept and be investigate. After asking to speak with her supervisor, she gave me someone's name and work ID number or something to that sort.

I immediately hung up and did a serch for the company on the Internet, which had several links concerning this site as being fraudulent. After reading a couple, I once again contacted my Credit card company and reported what I knew. They then turned me over to their customer svc rep that handles frauds. She said she would send me a form stating I did not authorize the payment and after they received it back they would credit my account.

She was aware of the the site and the reports of them being fraudulent. She assured me they wouldn't be able to charge the account again, nor did she think they would try being that I had already spoke with them about the reports of them being accussed of fraud. She said she wasn't sure exactly how they did it but usually if you subscribed to some free svc or promotion on the Internet and give them your username and password this is some how passed on to this site for Massive Media TV along with your credit card info.

Immediately contact your Credit Card Company for any charges showing up on your credit card that seem odd or tht you do not remember making.

Company: Aka Aka Massive Media TV
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8008978063
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