Milleninum Marketing Concepts
Casey Consulting Millenium Marketing and Casey Consulting are scammers

Internet & Web

I thought I had received what was promised me from this company until I started to check funds being handled by Commission Junction and Amazon. The monies you reciece are just pennies. Unless you can give your Web address to someone to enter the links directly from your site, you will never receive a penny. It cannot be found by any other means. The 15 keywords, 125 search engines, 40,000 GTV does not mean a thing. I have to date recived $50.00 and have appx. $18.00 pending in sales revenue for my $4095.00 investment.

I paid an additional $15.95 to keep my web address for 2009 but now I only can link to Amazon. The Target, Office Depot,, ebay and Travelosity name is still there but the link is gone.

I received a notice of Class Action suit against Commission Junction too.

All I can say is if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. I thought I was smart enough to not be scammed but I sure was not.

Company: Milleninum Marketing Concepts
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 5854 S. Pecos Rd
Phone: 8662680360
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Millenium Marketing Concepts - Casey Consulting - Ryan Drew Helms - Brian Anderson
Your road to "financial Bankruptcy"! Beware of these Scammers!

Millennium Marketing Concepts a.k.a. Casey Consulting

Millenium Marketing Concepts, Casey Consulting
Millenium Marketing Concepts, & Casey Consulting rip off, charges 275.00-475.00 for internet business, then doesn't do anything

Millenium Marketing Concepts - Casey Consulting
Are On The Run! Absolute scammers

Millenium Marketing Concepts/Casey Consulting Inc
Millenium Marketing Concepts/casey Consulting Inc. Newly widowed, disabeled and abused by Millenium Marketing Concepts lies and fees

Millenium Marketingi, Casey Consulting
Millenium Marketingi Casey Consulting $6,495 Investment Nets No Return

Millennium Marketing, Casey Consulting: Diane (a) Lukowski And Ryan Helms A.k. a Brian Anderson
Millenium Marketing, Casey Consulting Owned By Diana (e) Lukowski And Ryan Helms, Brian Anderson Rip-Offs Artists: Casey Consulting and Millennium Marketing e-commerce and on-line store fronts

Millenium Marketing Concepts - Casey Consulting
Doff was promised a return for my investment and haven't received a dime

Commision Junction
Beware affiliates

Millenium Marketing Inc - Casey Consulting
They took money from a laid off consumer, mother of 2 whose finances were limited with hopes of financial freedom