Miss Carol X @ Live Person.com
Miss Carol X, And The Rest Of Them @ Live Person.com Yet another Deceptive, Manipulative, Dishonest person @ liveperson N/a

Internet & Web

I am writing to all to first, and foremost stay away from this site if seeking genuine advice for spiritual, astrological, tarot, psychic, etc... Reasons.
I cannot or do NOT speak for the authenticity of the others who work in other areas on the web page.

I have used this site like others @ a vulnerable, lonley and confusing time of my life... HOPING that someone would actually "The real deal" and be willing to help me in exchange for the money paid.

None, absolutely NONE of them has spoken one word of truth, nor has a single prediction come true... And i speak specifically of Miss CarolX, (yes she has great ratings, but they are based on people's emotions immediately following a reading, people who have been BS'd to high heaven will always feel great after a reading, why is it that people aren't allowed to rate after 30 days, or worse yet have their poor rating removed by Liveperson, because the psychic (so called) requested it removed...) who i spoke to the longest, and was coy enough to string me along promising the world, (that everything would be fine) all the while nothing ever came to be, and the harder i pressed for answers the more elusive, and contradictory she became, all the while, never bashful to make you pay for ALL of her explanations. Until finally she decided to STOP me from contacting her, for no reason other than I wanted answers, i wanted the truth, and i deserved it... Think about it, how many people would have a job if they never did what they were supposed to, or that they never delivered what was (in the beginning, and all thru the communications) a certainty.

I know this person, and others will respond with baseless, opinion, and rhetoric, or even change her name on the site, cause they all do, and have done to avoid detection...
Please ask yourself am i... The person who was in a position of vulnerability, and confusion, (the person who put their trust in someone posing to be someone, or something they are not) the one to be blamed... Or is it a person like her, and countless others on that site who are talentless frauds who take advantage of me, and many others, by telling untruths...?

Just to make themselves a dollar, because they are not capable of doing anything else for means of support.

Please do not contact anyone... If u feel the need see a local person in your area, so u can determine their authenticity, and can better control the situation... These posers on here, and all over the internet are some of the lowest form of life on the planet.

(Perhaps there are a handful people in the world who maybe able to see the future... But you won't find them, let them find you!)

Company: Miss Carol X @ Live Person.com
Country: USA
Address: Florida, United States
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