Cosmi Corporation
Sells bad products, very unusable programs

Internet & Web

I purchased a cosmi program at Best Buy. Perfect Business Card Maker. It is anything but.
I have read the former protest, and find many similarities with my own issues with this program. First, I am very displeased with the functionality of this program. As proirly stated, it seems like some chinese guy made it, but has a second grade education.
Second, I am very displeased with the "support" they claim to have, but in effect is a huge waste of time, and a insulting dead end.
Third, I called both listed numbers, and have heard every corner of their endless automated phone system, seems the same sham with the online support center. Nothing but dead ends.
Forth, when directed to fill out an online problem report, I spent way to long just trying to get it to work, to no avail. Seems they have even looped the submittal form, with an error message to submitting it. I have never had this problem before, with any company, ever.
This is the letter I tried to send them, but they seem to busy or on vacation to care to let me.
"Dear Sir,
I am having several problems with your product. Perfect Business Card.
First, it took me 3 days to find a way to apply a picture to the backdrop. What would be the possibility of adding a clickable button titled"apply picture to background". I understand how confusing this must be for you.
Second, why is it so difficult (impossible) to re-adjust said applied picture. For some reason, you have provided no path to do so. So it took me hours of pushing every possible button to find a way to apply the picture, but no possible way to adjust it so that it looks appropriate. Great idea, if you are trying to upset every customer you have.
Third, your texture files are so padded with fluff I laugh, and that is coming from a computer noob. So when noobs are laughing at your "filler", it might be time to add real content. As for the 98,000 pics of clip art, thanks for nothing usable.
Forth. This is the big one that has me very upset. You have no way of talking to a human to actually solve problems your customers may be having. From what I can tell, your customer support for the business card program is limited to one measily question, which has nothing to do with me making the basic functunality of this program successful. It looks as if you have hired some really bad customer support company, who could care less about actual customer support. I realize I am talking to said really bad company, so to you directly I say, you are a sham. Your phone number is impossible to find on your website, and you have no real support. Only computer techs have the patience to type every problem they have, real people need much more help than this sad excuse for a web support site. How about posting a phone number? Is this to hard for you guys to take seriously? How about answering the phone number it took me 20 minutes to find.
I have 20 business cards designs in my head. Should I need 4 years of college to make your program work? Every design hinges on placing a picture in the background, applying some text on top of it, applying a background picture on the back of the card, more text on that, and slamming it into 8 slots per page. Please tell me why you have made this concept so impossible to accomplish. How about the next program you rip me off for, actually has some easier capabilities built in. I know what I want to do seems hard, but in all reality, it should take 2 minutes each, and I should be able to slam through 10 in an hour (if I was blind). So why make it so difficult?
This is what you say about yourself."
Since 1982, Cosmi has been committed to delivering quality products and customer service for a value price.
Building upon its relationships with customers and its distribution strengths, Cosmi is poised for continued growth in all consumer software categories. With the evolution of new technologies and the resulting consumer needs, Cosmi will continue to provide products that meet and exceed their needs."
Really? Committed to delivering quality? Committed to delivering customer service? Building a relationship with customers? Are you serious? This is how business's cram out products, then lie about the support they offer. This sounds like a application for a loan, in other words, a complete lie.
I dont think you make quality products. If you did, an average intelligence oriented customer would be easily capable of using your products. You already know how I feel about your sham of a customer service site you link to.
So, all together, Im not happy. Unless your response is a real one discussing the serious needs I have to attain success using your product, I will be forced to give my opinion publicly and truthfully.
In a day and age where dotcoms fall by the way side regularily, I suggest you take your responcibilities more seriously.
One more thing, I have never written to a company in disgust of their product.
Sincerly, "

I would have sent this letter to them, but they didnt want me to. So here it is. Cant wait for the reply.
Never buying Cosmi again, barring one hell of an explanation.

indianapolis, Indiana

Company: Cosmi Corporation
Country: USA
State: California
City: Carson
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