Chrpay Com - Meyrocorp Antivirus 2009
Debit card secure virus protection NA

Internet & Web

I was working on my computer and then a window popped up. It stated I had a virus and to purchase the SECURE PRO ANTIVirus 2009 immediately, otherwise as seconds ticked away, spyware and theft would take over my personal information. I was unable to clear my screen, delete anything, nothing... I was at their mercy. Even though I did have my doubts, I purchased the $49.95 deal since the page showed the security lock assuring to me that it was safe. I really thought that I was being informed of a virus threat and I was really being protected. I purchased it since I wanted to be able to get out of that screen and then contact my computer guy for confirmation. When I printed out my "receipt", it really looked authentic.

This was on 11/12/08. Yesterday, I was able to get online and check my bank statement. It shows a deduction of $50.35 with the address I did not authorize THIS amount and lthen I tried to contact this company for a full refund which they guarantee.
Still, I have not received any type of answer nor the refund of $50.35. I do not plan on letting this go.
I contacted my bank and they are aware of this issue.

Company: Chrpay Com - Meyrocorp Antivirus 2009
Country: USA
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Safecart - - meyrocorp - ANTIVirus 2009
Blind rip-off

Antivirus 2009
Meyrocorp keep flashing virus and spyware on computer immediate problem, pop-up with Antivirus 2009 will take care of problem

Chrpay Com - Meyrocorp Antivirus 2009
After my system crashed, came on screen stating they could remove virus for $79.95

Antivirus 2009
Ripoff online - MEYROCORP - Antivirus 2009
They inform people they have a virus on their computer. You can't work on your computer without all these warnings coming up. They got me for $80, had to cancel my credit card. Real hassel right before the holidays

Antivirus 2009 Software - Pandora Software - Meyrocorp
Attacked to my computer continuously like virus and needed to upgrade my microsoft virus protection for a $94,85

Chrpay Com - Meyrocorp Antivirus 2009
They locked my computer where i would have to purchase an its a scam an no way to contact them

Meyro Corp & Anti Virus Pro 2009 - meyrocorp 33622746058 - Anti Virus Pro 2009 purchase for 3 years on Nov 8th, amt of purchase: $119.95, system crashed after purchased

Meyrocorp Or Cure-soft
Meyrocorp or Cure-Soft Rip Off - Fake VIRUS PROTECTION - meyrocorp
Ripoff claiming $49.95 subscription to Antivirus program AVG Pro 2009