AP9 24 ProtectPlus / Adaptive Marketing
Unauthorized charge on my credit card for 19.95 membership

Internet & Web

These crooks somehow got my credit info and billed me $19.95 for a membership fee. Earlier this week I ordered some printer ink refills. I'm going to do some more research to try and find out if there is a common internet vendor that is providing them the data.

Company: AP9 24 ProtectPlus / Adaptive Marketing
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Norwalk
Site: 24protectplus-program.com
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AP9 24 ProtectPlus / Adaptive Marketing
AP9 24 ProtectPlus, IK9 24 ProtectPlus, Adaptive Marketing Unauthorized credit card billing Norwalk CN

Ap9 Savings Club Adaptive Marketing
Ap9 Savings Club - Adaptive Marketing unauthorized credit card charges w/o recourse

Adaptive Marketing Swindled into providing credit card details via a Job applicaiton Scam under pdrmanagement.com

Ap9*24 ProtectPlus
ProtectPlus Ap9 24 ProtectPlus made unauthorized charges and would not refund money

Adaptive Marketing LLC
Deceptive advertizing, luring into club memberships under the pretence of providing mortgage rates

IK9 Adaptive Marketing
Ripoff, dishonest, thiefs, fraudulent billing

IK9*PRIVACY MAT, AP9 24 ProtectPlus, IK9 24 ProtectPlus, Adaptive Marketing
Jon FairbanksIK9

Classmates.com, Adaptive Marketing, Privacy Matters 1-2-3
Charged my credit card account without my permission

Mks*simple Escapes2
MKS SIMPLE ESCAPES2 unauthorized ripoff charge to credit card USA

Adaptive Marketing
This company is committing credit card fraud