Sam Ash Music Store
Gutar center is way better than sam ash

Internet & Web

Jan ash music is horriball to begin with i noticed a man that works there holding a thousand dollar guitar keeping it purchase the strings, they dont let you enjoy real drums simply crapy electrical types they dont have a genuine good choice of instruments visit gutar middle they've real drums and they dont just play the electrics they've countless electrical guitrs and acoustic guitars.

Company: Sam Ash Music Store
Country: USA
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Guitar Center
Guitar Center does not have qualified guitar technicians

Music Parts Plus
Looking for Guitar Parts DONT buy from Music Parts Plus

Cleartone Strings
Guitar strings, coated guitar strings

Microsoft DRM licence issues on wmp

Guitar Center
Care no longer about the musician only their bottom line!
Ripoff stole from my bank account without authorization

Malfunction of multiple guitars

Dollar Tree Stores Inc
No music?!

Guitar Center
Terrible experience

Educators Music
Buyer Beware, ALL SALES FINAL the business that doesnt give a dam