Alyon Technologies
Rip-off "GHOST COMPANY" cannot find any owner or business filing!

Internet & Web

This is a follow-up as many of you know, this does not go away. They are still billing my dead father in law, harrassing my mother-in-law with very "cruel", collection letters.

She can't respond to them because she doesn't own a computer either, and at 74 years old she is no longer interested. After this! I've spent hours looking for the filing "business" of this company andor its owners, directors, operators, etc. Next time I am in Atlanta I will see who actually picks up the mail! A note= another letter suggested that they found Alyon in New Jersey at 1 Harmon Plaza, in Secaucus, not so, I contacted the owner of that building and they heard of no such company.

Any one who knows anything about 1. Who opened po box 923299, in norcross, GA or 2. Who owns Alyon or 3. Where this company came from, please let us know, It will help in ending this fraud!!!

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Phone: 8002696356
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