WCCL Network
Myhelphub myhelphub.com / WCCL Network, Rip-offs You Tell Me And We'll All Know You tell me and we'll all know

Internet & Web

I will let the chain emails do the talking of my case: (Please start from the bottom and read up.)

Last message posted by, at 20:07PM on 13 October:
Just came across this website about the company you work for. What this article describes about your company and how you are handling my case are a mirrored image of what is said about this company.


I may have spoken too early when I asked you to do soul-searching, you are in the right job since you like screwing people out of their hard earned money.

One thing life has taught me what goes around, comes around

Keep the $16.95.

Last message posted by Mario Lopez, at 19:39PM on 13 October:

My attempt to resolve this issue with you has ended. This is my 2nd attempt at requesting you to have my issue referred to your supervisor.

I will provide him/her any additional info. He/she may need after I discuss my concerns with him/her.

Again, I am asking you to refer my issue to a center supervisor.

Your prompt attention to my request is appreciated.

Brandon, at 0:00AM on 13 October:

Thanks for your message! I appreciate you getting in touch again.

I am sorry, I haven't denied your request to refund. However, we do need to check before we make any process to refiund.

Hence we ask for the required information. Please provide the same.

How long did you run the Brute-force attack for? Do you know how many characters are there in your password? What type characters are included - lower-case, upper-case, numbers, symbols, space?


Brandon, myHelpHub.com

Last message posted by, at 8:49AM on 12 October:
We are having trouble communicating. I am not seeking technical support, you continue to deny my request of a refund by attempting to provide something I am not seeking.

Your inablity to provide customers their requests have now caused this company to lose a lifelong customer and future sales and revenue - all for a measley $16.95.
Your actions will now cost this company much more and this type of behavior must be brought to the attention of internal management. (How many more customers are having to deal with this type of behavior and just walk-away from future sales without ever bringing your actions to the attention of managment?)
You have left me no option but, to escalate this matter to a supervisor which will cost everyone more time and money - again for a $16.95 product.

One last note of advice - take some time a really do some soul searching on whether you are in your ideal job? If you are not, go out and seek what you really want to do. (Take my advise, the role you are in - is not for you!) and before you cause yourself and this company more time and money!
I am now requesting this issue be referred to your supervisor for resolution.
Please have your supervisor or a supervisor contact me regarding this most unfortunate situation.

Brandon, at 23:59PM on 11 October:

Thank you very much for contacting us again here at myHelpHub.com.

How long did you run the Brute-force attack for? Do you know how many characters are there in your password? What type characters are included - lower-case, upper-case, numbers, symbols, space?

Brandon, myHelpHub.com

At 13:35PM on 11 October:


I was working with MS Word, and I replied "I tried every option to break a simple password protected file I had - and it could find or break the password."

To put it simple, every option the application offered, (this includes brute force - using briute force - every option available. I also used dictionary - both "advanced" and "Basic" I attepted - without succes.

Again, as my previous email reads, "I tried every option to break a simple password" usually means exactly that!

Now, I have answered your question, now it is my turn to get my questions answered.


Brandon, at 12:17PM on 11 October:

Thank you for writing to us at myHelpHub.com.
I am sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with the product.
However, you need to answer the questions sent to you in the earlier message. Then we can send you further instructions that you may need to take with regard to the software.

Brandon, myHelpHub.com

At 10:29AM on 11 October:

Let's not complicate things more than they are. I have explained my dissatisfaction with the application. Therefore, being an unsatisfied consumer with the product, I am requesting a refund of my purchase.
Next, if there are any instructions I need to take with regard to the software in my possesion, please let me know.
Please advise when I can expect my refund to reflect on my statement.

Thank you,

Brandon, at 23:58PM on 9 October:
Thank you for writing to us at myHelpHub.com.
What type of file are you trying to recover the password from? Access, Word or Excel?
When you run Password-Studio Pro on the file what message do you get on starting the recovery?
What tests have you run on your file so far? Have you run a full dictionary check, using the large "Advanced" dictionary?

Also, have you attempted a bruteforce attack? If so, how long did you run the process for? Do you know how many characters are there in your password? What type characters are included - lower-case, upper-case, numbers, symbols, space?

Brandon, myHelpHub.com

At 18:16PM on 9 October:
In other words - "The product does not do what the advertisement and guarantee claim it will do" or simpler - "it does not work".
I tried every option to break a simple password protected file I had - and it could find or break the password.

Brandon, at 23:52PM on 8 October:
Thank you for writing to us at myHelpHub.com.

I am sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the Password-Studio Software. Can you please give more details?

Brandon, myHelpHub.com
at 20:44PM on 8 October:
I just recently purchased Password-Studio and immediately began to test it as a $19.00 application to check passwords on MS Office applications sounded to good to be true.

And unfortunately, it was to good to be true!
Please provide me the steps I need to take in order to cancel my order and obtain a credit back to my credit card?

Thank you

Company: WCCL Network
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: myhelphub.com
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