Click Fraud

Internet & Web

Marchex are frauds and commit CLICK FRUAD 2 Ways.

One way they preform click fraud is explained here... Http://

The second way... Marches commits fraud is the good old fashion way, but simply lying!

After many weeks of losing money. I set up a landing page on the website. JUST for them, my reports then say 4 clicks per day. And their reports say 150 clicks per day. That's hundreds of dollars I spent for only pennies worth of clicks.

Please do some research on the web prior to using them. All you need to do is Search Marchex click fraud, or Marchex Click Scam. They are a terrible company and you will shortly see if you use them and track their actual clicks they give you.

I wish i tracked it earlier!!!

When I asked Marchex to see there logs, of MY CLICKS, that I am PAYING FOR. They said. "We dont give our click sources out" or ANY kind of click proof for that matter. They said its... Company Policy. Haaaaaa

"Its company policy" not to show me what I am paying for. I just wish I could show more people how bad they were. Its not about using the wrong keyword, they are flat out LYING to people.

That's my experience with Marchex.

They cost me hundreds and hundreds or dollars. ZERO return on investment.

Company: Marchex
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Seattle
Address: 413 Pine Street, Suite 500
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